Affiliate Marketing Forums - How To Find The Best Forums

If you are serious about becoming an affiliate marketer, you should know the importance of being part of a good forum. In a forum you can discuss news and issues when they happen, you can get help with problems you are facing and in general learn from others. A good forum can offer the best learning material there is, as experts do their best to help newbies. Most affiliate marketing forums offer value, but if you want to find the best ones, here are some factors that decide what a good forum is:
Member count. As long as a forum is active, does it really need that many members? More members is always a plus, because you will have the advantage of more unique opinions. If a forum had 2 very active affiliate marketing experts who helped all they could, that would be good indeed. But if that same forum had 5 very active marketing experts, the forum would benefit more as there would be more unique expert opinions, maybe these experts would stimulate each other and grow themselves, as well as becoming better teachers to their affiliate marketing newbies/students.
Activity. The activity of a forum is maybe the single most important aspect of a forum. If a forum is inactive, people will get fewer answers, people will ask fewer questions, and in all little learning is going to take place. You can say that the activity of a forum is its health. A healthy forum will have many questions and answers, and people will chat and share things both relevant and irrelevant to affiliate marketing on a daily basis.
Range of members. In this I mean that there should be a broad variety in members' experience. It's invaluable for an aspiring affiliate marketer to have gurus and professionals in their forum. It's also good if there are intermediate experienced members as these members often can relate more to a newbie than the gurus can, and still have valuable information to share. Lastly, having lots of members along side you who also are new affiliate marketers can give you strength, inspiration, and the belief that everything is possible and that you can succeed.
Age. A new-started forum doesn't necessarily mean that it's a bad forum. If it's active, has a decent amount of members and range of experience, then no one is to say that it's not a good forum. Having said that, the benefit that many forums give is that they often have lots of valuable "sticky's" - topics/posts that have been immortalized because they provide very good educational material. Affiliate marketing is always evolving, as is Google and the other search engines. As a result, a lot of older information becomes obsolete. Still, old forums can give large amounts of valuable information, even though some of it may be out of date.

healthrider treadmill

Learning affiliate marketing becomes so much easier if you're able to participate in an active and healthy forum, as it's a daunting task to learn entirely alone. If you are looking for a forum, I hope this article can help clarify which forums you should consider joining.


Affiliate Marketing Forums - How To Find The Best Forums


Universal Health Care - Ethical Issues in Health Care Reform

Universal health care seems to be a hotly debated topic whenever health care reform in the United States is discussed. 

health insurance

Those who maintain that health is an individual responsibility do not want a system that requires them to contribute tax dollars to support fellow citizens who do not act responsibly in protecting or promoting their own health. They argue that they want the freedom to choose their own physicians and treatments, and suggest that government cannot know what is best for them.  These people argue that preserving the current system with improvements to provide better insurance coverage for citizens who remain uninsured or under insured for their medical care needs is the only reform that is needed.


Those who believe health care is an individual right support a universal health care system with the argument that every citizen deserves to have access to the right care at the right time and that a government's responsibility is to protect its citizens, sometimes even from themselves.

Two opposing arguments arising from two opposing ideologies.  Both are good arguments but neither can be the supporting argument for implementing or denying universal health care.  The matter must be resolved through an ethical framework.

Examination of the ethical issues in health care reform would require consideration of much different arguments  than those already presented.   Ethical issues would center on the moral right.  Discussion would begin with not "What is best for me?" but rather  "How should we as a society be acting so that our actions are morally correct?"

Ethics refers to determining right and wrong in how humans relate to one another.  Ethical decision making for health care reform then would require human beings to act in consideration of our relationships to each other not our own individual interests.

Examination of some of the common ethical decision making theories can provide a foundation for a different perspective than one that is solely concerned  with individual rights and freedoms. 

Ethical decision making requires that specific questions be answered in order to decide on whether intended actions are good or morally correct.  Here are some questions that could be used in ethical decision making for health care reform.

What action will bring the most good to the most people? What action in and of itself is a good act and helps us to fulfill our duties, obligations, and responsibilities to each other? What action in and of itself shows caring and concern for all citizens?

As the answer to all  these questions, universal health care can always be considered the right thing to do.

The United States is in the most advantageous position there is when it comes to health care reform.  They are the only developed country without a national health care system in place for all citizens.  They have the opportunity to learn from the mistakes that have been made by all the other countries that have already gone down the universal health care road. They have an opportunity to design a system that can shine as a jewel in the crown of universal health care systems everywhere. 

However, all ethical decision making is structured around values.  In order for universal health care to be embraced by all citizens in the United States, they will first have to agree to the collective value of equity and fairness and embrace the goal of meeting their collective responsibility to each other while maintaining individual rights and freedoms. That may prove to be the most difficult obstacle of all.

Universal Health Care - Ethical Issues in Health Care Reform


Health Problems Your Puggle May Face

You want to care for your Puggle, and make sure that she stays healthy and adventurous throughout her life. All dogs may have health problems from time to time. Knowing what specific risks your dog may face can help you keep your pet feeling great.


First, it's important to discuss some of the health problems that Puggles are not as prone to as might be expected. Although one parent is a pug, these dogs do not have as many breathing problems as pugs, because their noses are longer. They also have deeper eye sockets, removing many of the difficulties with the eyes that pugs can exhibit, and they have fewer skin problems.


Given all this, Puggles can be a healthy hybrid, assuming that they are well-bred and treated well from birth. In fact, many hybrid puppies have better health than many pure-bred pups, though that may vary with individual litters.

In order to find a healthy puppy, you need to be very careful in your selection of a puppy.

Many breeders of Puggles are very reputable and responsible breeders, and take care to make sure that the parents of their pups are healthy and have good temperaments and histories. In fact, most breeders care very much about breeding healthy pups. To make sure that your pup will be healthy, you should interview breeders, find out where their breeding stock comes from and check health histories of the parents of your puppy. If possible, visit the breeder before buying a puppy, and know where your puppy is coming from.

Whenever possible, avoid buying puppies from a pet store or anyone else other than a reputable breeder. If you do buy a puppy from a pet store, be very careful about her health. Have a complete health checkup conducted by a vet as soon as you take her home, and watch careful for any infections or signs of harsh treatment as a puppy.

Once you have your puppy safely at home and you've gotten her puppy shots and has a clean bill of health, you will need to keep her healthy and work with her vet to keep her healthy.

Puppy shots are crucial, of course. This is the most important thing you can do to protect your pup's health from the beginning. Once your pup has had shots, you need to continue with the shots on an annual basis, of course. Heart worm medication should be administered on a monthly basis, and can be prescribed by your vet. You'll also want to make sure you have flea protection for your Puggle, particularly if you allow her outside.

Keeping your Puggle healthy is primarily a matter of preventing injury and poisoning. Once your dog starts out healthy, she is likely to stay healthy if she can. Baby-proofing, or Puggle-proofing, your home, is essential to keeping your pet healthy. Like the proverbial toddler, your new baby is very inquisitive and can get into trouble quite easily.

Fortunately, keeping your home safe for your pet is mostly a matter of making sure there is nothing on the floor that can be choked on or that can poison your puppy if swallowed, making sure that your Puggle can't climb on anything and fall off, and keeping spills of hazardous materials, including detergent, cleaned up.

When it comes to keeping your Puggle healthy and communicating with your vet, there are no stupid questions. If you suspect your dog may need medical attention, call your vet. This, along with regular checkups, will help insure your pet's safety.

Health Problems Your Puggle May Face


Health Habits: Keep Score On Your Fitness

Adopt Standards For Your Weekly Exercise

healthrider treadmill

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services publishes "Physical Activity Guidelines" for adults. In 2008, those guidelines called for moderate-intensity aerobic exercise at least 150 minutes a week, vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise at least 75 minutes a week, and strength-training at least twice a week.


This May, the American Journal of Preventive Medicine reported that those adults who had followed the 2008 HHS guildelines for exercise reduced their risk of mortality... healthy adults by 27%, and those with an ailment by 50%. I don't know that I generally believe in the government's prescriptions for health, but I do think adopting regular exercise standards - and keeping them - does help maintain your vitality.

My exercise routine, adapted from Bill Phillips' stellar "Body For Life" suggestions, comes pretty close to those HHS standards, and has the added virtue of being do-able even when your job requires a heavy schedule of work and a lot of travel. I own a business, and I do need to spend a fair amount of time on the road, so that's an important factor for me (and for many of my business-running clients).

Three days a week, I do interval training on a treadmill. Not sexy, not glamorous, but you can find a treadmill (or exercise bike, or elliptical machine) at virtually every mid-size (or larger) hotel. My interval workouts definitely qualify as vigorous-intensity aerobic activity, and though I'm only running hot for about twenty minutes each time, my pulse readings tell me I'm getting a great weekly dose of highly-intense cardio work.

Three other days a week (alternating with the interval workouts), I lift weights. That's one more strength workout than the HHS standards call for. I can usually find the equipment I need when I'm on the road... and when I can't, I travel with resistance bands that give me a decent substitute workout and are light and compact in my luggage. Each workout only lasts 40-45 minutes, but because I've learned how to maximize the efficiency of the workout, I'm okay with the fact that I only get about 120-130 minutes of the sort of moderate-intensity aerobic activity that comes along with strength training. Add in the walking and other "hidden" exercise I do every week, and it's plenty.

The goal is to be as strong as possible for as long as possible. Think about how you can create a weekly exercise regimen to which you can stick with some discipline. And remember, Exercise is only one of the five key daily health habits I call "The NEWSS," along with Nutrition (favor fresh foods), Water (get two liters a day), Sleep (get eight hours a night), and Supplements (take at least one good supplement to give your body what the modern diet doesn't).

To your success... and to the personal vitality upon which that success depends!

by Michael D. Hume, M.S.

Health Habits: Keep Score On Your Fitness


What Are the Health Benefits Of the Acai Berry?

The popularity of the Acai Berry keeps on growing, especially since it is already referred to as the Magical Fruit. It is already sold in a number of stores locally, especially in groceries and supermarkets. The ever powerful Acai Berry is already included in a number of products in the market, from cosmetic goods to fruit juices.


This berry was first discovered in Central and Southern America. The outcome of various tests and extensive research has revealed many of the excellent health benefits of the a
Acai berry.


The Acai Berry is not only loaded with antioxidants but it also possess a wide range of essential vitamins, such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, as well as the important B vitamins like thiamine and riboflavin. This berry also contains many minerals like phosphorus, potassium, iron, and calcium.

Antioxidants are essential to people since it has been established that they build up the body's immune system and protect it from diseases and premature aging. Cell damage is also reversed through antioxidants.

Free radicals from pollution, poor diet, and stress can contribute to oxidative stress, damaging the cells and weakening the immune system.

The Acai Berry however, is able to neutralize the presence of free radicals in the body, thereby preventing the onset of threatening diseases like cancer and heart disease.

Free radicals also contribute to premature aging.

Therefore, if you want to preserve a youthful glow, you need to consume foods which are rich in antioxidants. Your skin can and will benefit from products which are filled with antioxidants from Acai Berry like facial creams and body washes, but you can also consume the natural fruit juice for optimal benefits. Today, there are also diet pills containing the well-renowned This Berry.

Is the this berry really effective in weight loss?
There have been quite a number of studies done in order to ascertain its weight loss properties.

Just like any other fruit, the item is loaded with fiber and contains no calories, saturated fats, sugars, and trans fats. Nonetheless, the ability of the berry to actually promote fat loss is yet to be determined. Notwithstanding, the Acai Berry is an appetite suppressant and an antioxidant, its wide-range of health benefits makes it one of the most valuable fruits in the market today.

So, if you want to improve your Health and Prevent Premature Aging, you should try a product like Acai Berry Pill, it's 100% natural and has all the Health and Beauty benefits along with its appetite suppressant characteristics.

What Are the Health Benefits Of the Acai Berry?


The Health Benefits of Kale

When you mention kale, the majority will look up with raised eyebrows and mumble "What"? "What's that"? An old, hardly spoken of and powerful green food. Kale is a leafy green vegetable with a mild earthy flavor. The season for kale is between mid winter and early spring where it can be found in abundance in most produce sections of the local grocery store. However, one can find kale year round. Thankfully, kale is starting to garner well deserved attention due its nutrient rich phytochemical content which provides unparalleled health promoting benefits.

health insurance

Kale absolutely rich and abundant in calcium, lutein, iron, and Vitamins A, C, and K. Kale has seven times the beta-carotene of broccoli and ten times more lutein. Kale is rich in Vitamin C not to mention the much needed fiber so lacking in the daily diet of processed food eating Americans. The "Icing on the Kale" are the natural occurring all important phytochemicals sulforaphane and indoles which research suggests may protect against cancer. Let's not forget the all important antioxidant Vitamin E. Rest assured kale spares nothing in providing one with much needed nutrients and associated health benefits.


The naturally rich sulfur content of kale deserves a bit more discussion. Science has discovered that sulforaphane, helps boost the body's detoxification enzymes, possibly by altering gene expression. This is turn is purported to help clear carcinogenic substances in a timely manner. Sulforaphane is formed when cruciferous vegetables like kale are chopped or chewed. This somehow triggers the liver to produce enzymes that detoxify cancer causing chemicals, of which we all are exposed on daily basis. A recently new study in the Journal of Nutrition (2004) demonstrates that sulforaphane helps stop breast cancer cell proliferation.

Kale descends from the wild cabbage which originated in Asia and is thought to have been brought to Europe by the Celtics. Kale was an important food item in early European history and a crop staple in ancient Rome. Kale was brought to the USA during the 17th century by English settlers.

A leafy green vegetable starting to gain widespread attention, kale belongs to the Brassica family, a group that also includes cabbage, collard greens and Brussels sprouts. Choose kale with small leaves as they will be tenderer and offer a sweeter taste. Make kale leaves a regular addition to your salads. A sautéed side dish of kale, onions, and garlic drizzled in olive oil is second to none. Enjoy your kale. You'll be glad did.

The Health Benefits of Kale


Florida State Health Insurance

Florida state health insurance is the best solution for people who are denied sufficient insurance coverage due to their medial conditions. This is an affordable health insurance plan initiated by the Florida Legislature. The flexibility of state health insurance is far superior to the normal choices like individual health insurances and group health insurances. Most programs in Florida state health insurance provide coverage at affordable rates that can well fit the budgets of all qualifying Floridian families.

health master

For people who have low income, Florida state health insurance has the Medicaid program that they could possible qualify for. Your local Division of Family Services office will provide the necessary information and the prescribed application form. Interesting thing here is the number of people who would actually qualify for this service but most people think they would not. The program requires filling out an application and providing some documentation about your finances. The policy issued by this program covers medical expenses of the entire family, including dental work, eye care, doctor visits, emergency care, and prescription drugs.


For people with children who do not get coverage through their employment, Florida state health insurance has programs to insure the health of children. One of the programs is the Florida Healthy Kids Corporation (FHKC), which provides private sector health care coverage to uninsured children in 24 counties using school districts as large risk pools. Child plans cover a full range of services from regular check-ups, preventive care, immunization, lab tests, to hospital visits and other related expenses. Besides, the State of Florida extends Medicaid coverage to children aged between 15 and 19 with family incomes up to 100% of the federal poverty level (""Waxman Children"").

Florida state health insurance plan is also open to "federally eligible individuals" as defined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act 1996 (HIPPA). The act protects health insurance coverage for you and your family when you change or lose your job.

Florida state health insurance policies have been designed to give relief to families who do not qualify for highly rated health insurance programs nor have the ability to pay the expensive installments of private insurance.

Florida State Health Insurance


The Health Benefits of Vitamin D3

D3 is a fat soluble vitamin and excess amounts can be stored in the body's soft tissue. There are two forms of the D vitamin: ergo calciferol and it is found in fortified milk, herring, mackerel, tuna, sardines, eggs, cereals and baked goods. The second form is cholecalciferol that is produced by the body when it is in the sun. The best source of vitamin D3 is the sunlight.
The typical supplemental dose is no more than 600 IU (international units) unless approved by a physician.

Benefits Of Vitamin D3


Vitamin D promotes healthy teeth and bones in kids. It also promotes calcium absorption, bone mass, building, the prevention of bone loss, and it protects against muscle weakness. It lowers the risk of colon, breast, and prostate cancers. Immune system functioning is improved, auto immune diseases can be prevented, and rheumatoid arthritis is improved with vitamin D.

Vitamin D3 prevents/treats rickets, post menopausal osteoporosis. It also prevents falls and fractures in those at risk for osteoporosis, corticosteroid induced osteoporosis, and osteomalacia. The vitamin also treats hypoglycemia, bone disorders, psoriasis, squamous cell cancers, vitiligo, and scleroderma. Multiple Sclerosis can be treated and the vitamin prevents the development of Type 1 diabetes.

Vitamin D3 Deficiencies

Deficiencies of D3 in children are indicated by the presence of rickets, a disease that deforms the bones and teeth. In adults, deficiencies are indicated by the presence of osteomalacia, osteoporosis, type 1 diabetes, muscle and bone pain, as well as certain cancers. An overdose can lead to birth defects, coma, and even death.

The Health Benefits of Vitamin D3


Private Health Insurance Coverage

Private health insurance is simply insurance coverage provided by insurance policy providers not run by the government. More specifically, it refers to the policy provider as a corporation that does not receive subsidy from the government for its activities. A private insurance company is just like any other business, in this respect. It gives more access to private hospitals which may be better than the state-run. It also gives the policy holder more choices in doctors. This article will give you an overview of the kind of coverage a private health insurance offers.

health insurance

The premium


The premium is the amount you have to pay every month for the policy provider to keep your account active. This amount entitles you to the benefits of your policy. These can vary in size, depending on the results of your screening, the size of your initial payment to the insurance company, and other factors.

The deductible

The deductible is the initial amount you are required to pay in case of hospitalization before your policy coverage sets in. Occasionally, this is designated as a dollar amount, but can be designated by a particular number of days in the hospital as well. Usually, this kind of policy requires that you be confined in a particular hospital. If your policy has a ,000 deductible, that means you must pay ,000 in medical expenses before the coverage takes effect.

The relationship of the deductible to the premium is simple: the lower the premium, the higher the deductible, and vice-versa. For example, it is entirely possible for a policy to provide you two differing policies: one that may have a premium with a ,000 deductible, and another policy with a premium and a 0 deductible. At this point, you must decide for yourself which policy will be more advantageous for you.

Private Health Insurance Coverage


The Five Components of Health Related Fitness

In order to properly design a fitness program we must first understand the five components of health-related fitness. these are:


1: Cardio respiratory endurance - the body's ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues and organs and the ability to utilize them over sustained periods of time. This component is illustrated during long-distance running or swimming.


2: Muscular Strength - the ability of your muscles to exert force. This component is illustrated when lifting or moving heavy objects such as doing a weightlifting workout.

3: Muscular Endurance - the ability of your muscles to exert force or to perform repetitive movements over prolonged periods of time. This component can be tested by doing sit ups or push-ups

4: Flexibility - the ability to move our joints and muscles through their full range of motion. This can be seen when doing stretches or splits.

5: Body Composition - this refers to the ratio of lean muscle to fats in the body. A good fitness program should include each of these five components of health-related fitness. You should begin each workout session with 5 to 10 minutes of stretching and low intensity warm-ups. Cardio respiratory endurance can be improved by doing at least 20 minutes per session of aerobic activity. This can be in the form of jogging, bicycling, brisk walking, rowing, swimming or playing tennis or racquetball. Lifting weights whether free weights or strength machines will help you improve your muscular strength. Muscular endurance can be improved by doing push-ups sit ups or pull ups. Flexibility can be improved by doing 10 minutes of stretching exercises a couple times per week.

By including each of the first four components in your fitness program you will improve the fifth component by increasing the amount of lean muscle in your body and reducing the amount of fats.

The Five Components of Health Related Fitness


Where Can I Get Help With My Health Insurance?

Coming up is some great help on health insurance for people wanting to apply for a policy without any knowledge of coverage options. However, before providing details about coverage, let's discuss why insurance is critical.

health slimming coffee

The cost for any medical aid are going up continuously and due to these rising costs it has become a necessary need to have health insurance plans. The situations arise at times when when unplanned health expenses are to be borne beyond the budget, and at such times it is not possible for a person to bear all expense on their own. Getting the right health plan is essential.


When a client seeks help with their health insurance, agents discuss four different types of policies with them. Individuals need to pay deduction to health coverage companies for medical plans to obtain benefits Deductibles are simply a fraction of the amount that individuals must pay for when enrolling in a plan. Health insurers pay nearly 80% of medical bills after insurers pay the initial 20% of the total billed amount.

Customers can choose any physician to provide treatment and then make payment directly to that physician. But, they have to get a bill and provide it to the insurer, who then will make a reimbursement of 80% of that amount to the policyholder. Health insurance plans of this type are considered more traditional.

HMO Plan: A Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) is a kind of policy which pertains primarily to long term care of the insured party. A major medical plan is more cost prohibitive than the plan described. When choosing a doctor, it is smart to chose from a list that is provided by your insurance company. The physicians give them medical services to assist them. If required, they may also connect with distant specialists and other hospitals in order to ensure the best care is given.

Because of this, maximum people in US opt for this type of health plan.

PPO health plan:PPO (PPO) It is very similar to an HMO plan. Health insurance companies provide referrals only to in-network providers. Insured patients self-refer to out-of-network providers. Here, In or out of network Doctors are for the customer to choose as they see fit.

But, if individuals opt for physicians out-of-network, they will pay big fees compared to the affordable rates of the in-network physicians. The policy of the health companies is to pay 80% 0f the bill amount to insured people whether it is in- network or out-network.

Where Can I Get Help With My Health Insurance?


Home Health Aide Training

If you are seeking a profession that is expected to grow steadily in the future, you should look into home health aide training. The demand for experienced home health aides is skyrocketing due to our aging population and a preference for at-home health care.

health master

Home health aides (also known as caregivers or personal support specialists) are responsible for providing routine, personal health care, such as bathing, dressing, or grooming, to elderly, convalescent, or disabled persons in the home of patients or in a residential care facility. Under the direction of nursing or medical staff, they provide health-related services, such as administering oral medications, change dressings, and check pulse, temperature and respiration rates. A few weeks or months of could give you a great advantage when seeking employment. Although a formal education is not always necessary for this profession, Federal law suggests at least 75 hours of classroom and practical training, supervised by a registered nurse.


Home health aide courses are available from community colleges, vocational schools, elder care programs and home health care agencies. You can learn to assist elderly or disabled adults with daily living activities in the person's home or in a daytime non-residential facility. The duties of an aide are not limited to health care, but may also include such routine tasks as doing laundry, making beds, washing dishes, preparing meals, etc. Good training can give you the confidence to advise the elderly or disabled (and their families) on such things as nutrition, cleanliness, and keeping house.

Before you begin, there are a few important things to consider: Employment in this health care field may require you to submit to a physical examination and a background check before you can be hired. Your personality is also important. You should be a person who is patient, understanding, tactful, and a good communicator. Above all, you should have a desire to help people.

Formal home health aide education must meet the standards of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. State regulations for training programs can vary greatly, so be sure to check with regulating agencies to be sure your school or college will meet the educational requirements for your region of employment. The National Association for Home Care offers national certification, a credential that will demonstrate that training has met industry standards. Some states also require personal support specialists to be licensed.

If you would like to learn more about home health aide training, submit a request to schools found on our website. You will soon receive in-depth information to help you decide if personal support specialist is a good career for you.

DISCLAIMER: Above is a GENERAL OVERVIEW and may or may not reflect specific practices, courses and/or services associated with ANY ONE particular school(s) that is or is not advertised on

Copyright 2008 - All rights reserved by Media Positive Communications, Inc.

Notice: Publishers are free to use this article on an ezine or website, provided the article is reprinted in its entirety, including copyright and disclaimer, and ALL links remain intact and active.

Home Health Aide Training


Health Benefits Of Fennel Plant

The fennel herb is a versatile vegetable which can not only be eaten cooked or raw but is also a basis for anise, and is one of the ingredients of licorice. The fennel plant also flavors some brandy-based drinks, whilst the fennel leaves are an important culinary herb.

health master

It is not surprising then that fennel and its juice contain some valuable constituents. The nutrients are similar to those in celery, which belongs to the same family, but it is the essential oil that is the basis for its good action on an upset stomach and its stimulating properties. The oil is present in relatively large amounts, from 3-6% of the total weight.


The Greeks called fennel marathon which derived from their word meaning to become slim; later the Emperor Charlemagne ensured that it was grown on all his farms. He and other people in early times, thought fennel gave courage and were good for the eyes. Bedrooms were protected from the evil spirits of the night with fennel in the keyholes. The plant was an essential component of the wreath used above the door on Midsummer Day to keep the witches quiet.

Insects keep away from fennel so the floors were spread with stalks so that the fleas kept their distance. The stalks were cooked as an alternative to asparagus, or put under bread while it was baking to give it an aromatic flavor. With carrot juice, fennel is very good for night blindness or optic weakness. These two plus beet juice make a good remedy for anemia especially the son resulting from excessive menstruation.

Fennel juice forms part of formulae for convalescence and for indigestion. The French use it for migraine and dizziness where good results have been noted. The nutritional analysis of fennel leaves reveals an excellent quantity of iron (2.7mg per 100g), high calcium (109mg per 100g) and a very impressive supply of the following vitamins: carotene (4. 7mg per 100g), folic acid (100 micrograms per 100g) and vitamin C (93.0mg per 100g).

Health Benefits Of Fennel Plant


Health Plus Colon Cleanse Reviews

Colon cleansing may be the ideal method to regain power over your health, particularly if you have been experiencing the after-effects of a poor diet, not enough exercise, chronic constipation, and the common stresses and strains of our every day modern life. A healthy colon is essential to good health, which makes it cleansing a must. A colon cleanse allows your colon the chance to rebuild itself, and return to proper functioning.

healthy sleep habits happy child

The function of colon


The colon consists of the portion of the large intestine that runs from the caecum down to our rectum. The large intestine's purpose is to store waste, reabsorb water, and helps maintain electrolyte and water balance. The largest intestine does not play any part in actually digesting our food - that's already done in the small intestine. Reabsorbing nutrients and water into our bodies is the main function of colon, along with ridding the body of toxins and waste materials through regular bowel movements. When the bowel is impacted, however, problems arise such as constipation, hemorrhoids, ulcerative colitis and colon cancer.

People are suffering from different types of health problems including all types of pain, constipation and lack of energy, which can at once be related to a dirty bowel. Many problems can ultimately lead to more serious health issues like irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, diarrhea, weight problems, vision problems, hemorrhoids, joint pains, vision problems, loss of memory and sinusitis. We should opt for colon cleansing, as this is the only way to flush out extra toxins, which are continuously in the process of getting antitoxic.

Colon is one of the most important organ, which affects us all in a direct or indirect manner. When it gets blocked up, the liver cannot perform its job in a proper way. When the liver cannot work in an efficient manner then the kidney system fails to function properly. So in order to cure all these symptoms and to get better in the process we must start cleansing our bowel immediately.

A high-quality colon cleanse schedule will help you maintain a healthy weight, but more importantly maintain healthy lifestyle. You should have a regular colon exam with your doctor and use a good colon cleanser regularly, to help maintain a longer, healthier and more productive life.

Health Plus Colon Cleanse Reviews


How Life Changing Events Affect Health Insurance Premiums

We all experience a variety of changes to our personal circumstances throughout our lifetimes. And, many of these life changes can in fact affect our health insurance coverage. For example, marriage, divorce, job change and having a family are among the most significant life events that can impact your health insurance premiums. It is important to understand how certain life events will impact your health insurance premiums.

health food stores



If you or your new spouse currently has group health insurance, by law once you are married, the employer must offer you the option of enrolling in the plan. Now the employer is not required to cover the cost of the spouse's health insurance, the plan must be offered. This is often a great advantage as many group plans offer protection against pre-existing conditions and may even be less expensive than individual coverage. If both spouses have access to health insurance, be sure to compare plans so that you can select the plan that offers the most coverage at the most affordable rates.


Most group plans are required to continue to offer coverage for a spouse in the event of a divorce as long as the primary employee remains eligible for coverage. However, not all plans offer this continuation or a prior spouse may not want to rely on this prior coverage for themselves long term. In this instance, searching for individual health insurance may be the best option.


HIPAA offers special protection to families who grow through the birth of a new child or through an adoption, allowing the new dependents to be enrolled in group coverage if it is currently offered or being taken advantage of by one of the parents. Most health insurance plans require that you add the new child to the policy within 30 days of their birth or adoption.

Job Change

If you are let go from your current employer which was offering you group coverage, you are protected by law. HIPAA offers protection for 12-18 months if you have pre-existing conditions and are having trouble securing health insurance once you leave an employer. And, you also have the option through COBRA to continue paying for your coverage after you have severed employment. While the premiums are typically much more expensive than what you were paying for your group coverage, extending the coverage will ensure that you are covered and that you do not have any gaps as you search for new employment.


As you prepare for your retirement with excitement, you may not have addressed an important concern; health insurance. Not all employers provide continuing coverage for their employees into retirement. As you prepare for this important event, be sure to speak with your benefits department about your available options and their associated costs.

We all experience life changing events throughout our lifetimes. And with something as important as our health, it is crucial that we understand how these events will impact our health insurance needs.

How Life Changing Events Affect Health Insurance Premiums


Nicotine - Are We Ignoring Its Health Benefits?

For many these will seem a strange statement however current medical research actually supports the view that nicotine could actually have some serious health benefits.


The problem for many people is that Nicotine is responsible for the addiction of cigarette smoking, so must be bad for you.


They cannot accept that Nicotine could possibly be good for you and simply make it guilty by association.

Let's check out the facts.

Nicotine is NOT responsible for smoking deaths by cancer

Nicotine is actually one of around 4,000 chemicals that are consumed during cigarette smoking.

In addition to tar, there is also carbon monoxide, ammonia and arsenic. In fact, at least 43 of the chemicals in tobacco smoke are known to cause cancers of the lung, throat, mouth, bladder and kidneys.

Nicotine is ONLY the ingredient responsible for the addiction; it is some of the other compounds that are primarily responsible for the harmful health effects of smoking cigarettes.

There is no evidence to date that indicates that nicotine itself can cause cancer.

Nicotine in its natural state is safe and non toxic

Nicotine is a naturally occurring compound.

Trace elements can be found in common foods and vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes, cauliflower and is also found in some teas.

In its natural state, and when ingested through the digestive system, nicotine is safe and non-toxic.

It does not present the health hazards associated with smoking cigarettes.

Medical research

Many studies including some sponsored by the federal government, have shown that nicotine may in fact delay the onset and effects of both Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

Furthermore, it may also improve symptoms of attention deficit disorder and also Tourettes syndrome.

Nicotine has also been found to influence mood, mental alertness, and addiction.

Scientists have discovered that nicotine acts on nerve cells to enhance the release of neurotransmitters, chemicals that relay messages within the brain and nicotine increases a person's ability to focus and pay attention.

Nicotine is also known to switch on receptors on the surface of cells in certain parts of the brain, causing these neurons to release the Neuro-transmitter dopamine, a chemical that is responsible for feelings of pleasure.

Why don't we take the potential benefits of Nicotine seriously?

Efforts by the anti smoking lobby to stop smoking, have seen nicotine's potential benefits not get the recognition they deserve. Nicotine is simply seen as being bad due to its association with smoking, even though it is just one of numerous chemcials contained in a cigarette.

This is really like saying wheat is bad for you as some beers use wheat in the brewing process and people die of alcohol abuse. Of course, wheat in it's natural state is not the cause of death and we all know that, however we are less open minded on our view of nicotine.

Decide for yourself

Medical research into Nicotine shows by itself, in its natural state, it is safe and non toxic and medical evidence at present suggests that Nicotine could actually have serious health benefits.

Nicotine - Are We Ignoring Its Health Benefits?


The Health Benefits of Sodium Selenite

Before we discuss the Benefits of Sodium Selenite, we will briefly discus this nutrient.

health food stores

Sodium Selenite (Selenium) is one of many antioxidants-substances that attack destructive cells in the body, an essential trace mineral, and a micronutrient. It works with Vitamin E to gather free radicals which are cells that have one unpaired electron. To stabilize itself it 'steals' an electron from a nearby stable cell. Free radicals can cause cell mutation, some cancers, and the effects of aging.


Benefits of Sodium Selenite

Selenium is used for the treatment of premature aging, cardiac-vascular disease, sexual dysfunction, and menopausal problems. Skin disorders are also treated with Sodium Selenite - Selenium which is a powerful chemo- preventative agent.

This means that it might fight some cancers. According to the American Medical Association journal, colorectal, lung, and prostate cancers were reduced by about 50% in humans over a ten year time frame. There are other important benefits for those taking Selenium (sodium selenite).

Further Benefits of Sodium Selenite

These benefits include improved immune system strength, which will enable the body to fight off diseases, a reduction in the occurrence of heart disease, and the maintenance of healthy blood vessels. It also is a strong cancer fighter. While it has many benefits there is reason to exercise some caution.


Here is a note of precaution for you. The Selenium (Sodium Selenite) capsules contain les than one half of a milligram of sodium. It has been deemed acceptable for those individuals who are on salt restricted diets.

As with anything, it is possible to take too much and there are consequences if you do, even if it was done accidentally.

If too much sodium selenite is taken, it can result in something called selenosis. Symptoms of selenosis are arthritis, gastro-intestinal upsets, and hair loss. White blotchy nails, garlicky breath odor and fatigue. Other symptoms include dermatitis, irritability, and mild nerve damage. If any of these symptoms occur seek medical attention immediately.

Your best option regarding this nutrient is to do research. Look for information on its proper usage, how to take it, when to take it, and in what form it comes in. Learn the contraindications of this, or any medication or vitamin supplement that you are considering taking.

After you have completed the research, consult with your physician or health care provider. Supplements are, or can be very beneficial for most individuals; caution is in your best interest. We all want to be healthy, but let's be safe while we pursue this.

The Health Benefits of Sodium Selenite


Definition of Health Related Fitness

Health is related to fitness; that is one thing that can be easily overlooked. This is a basic fact, but with what the technology and other people have brought us, a lot of people forget to see this.

The definition of health related fitness is fitness done with balance among the development and improvement of the whole body. The definition can be better understood when elaborated. Health-related physical fitness includes two major parts; Activity and diet.


Activity (Cardio and Strength Training)

For health related fitness, the activity components included are not only for strength, and muscular development and endurance training. The lungs, heart, and circulatory system are also the focal points in health and fitness. The reason for this is to improve stamina, immune system, and maintain good body composition. Health-related fitness reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and other diseases like cancer and arthritis, and may cure respiratory problems like asthma.

There are lots of activities that can be your favored workout plan. You may choose sports, aerobic any other or exercise work outs. The exercises are much better when you include another exercise that will focus on improving your strength, muscle development and endurance. It will make you less prone to injuries.

When strength training and cardiovascular fitness plans are combined, one will also look and feel younger. This will lead to improved self-esteem. Also, the level of stress and depression will decrease.

If you are wondering about the types of activities that will work best for you, visit a professional and consult with him or her. If you have certain health conditions, it is best if you consult with your doctor first. Aside from cardio and body composition, strength and muscular endurance, flexibility is another important thing that you need to consider. Your fitness health training program should be able to let you enhance your flexibility.

Healthy Diet

Eating proper and balanced food is a must. Your plan including any physical activity may render useless if you do not conform your lifestyle altogether. You are trying to become healthier, so eat healthy food. Your training will let you excrete the toxins in your body, but if you replace the flushed toxins with another unhealthy food, you are then wasting your time, because you will either take a very long time before you get a result, or might not be able to get a positive one in the end.

Also, it is best if you consult with your doctor or dietitian first. They can come up with a diets plan that will work best for you. Especially if you have a certain health condition, it is best to ask for recommendations to make sure your diet plan will not cause another health problem.

As suggested above, cardiovascular training plus strength training plus healthy eating is the definition of health related fitness. Movement and diet must complement each other, in short, opt for healthy lifestyles.

Health and fitness is something recommended to everyone. However, there are different categories that separate the needs that must be met for children, adolescent, young adults, and adults. Being healthy doesn't need to stop once one reaches the age of 99!

Definition of Health Related Fitness


How to Use Yucca Root For Health

This root's name is pronounced "yoo-ka," not "yucca," and is appreciated by nearly half of the world. It's definitely worth trying. If tapioca is a favorite, the yuca root will be, too. The flesh of this root, known as manioc or cassava, is used as a base for this pudding. Yuca is not Yucca, a genus of the bayonet-leaved showy plants of the Agave family.

healthrider treadmill

An excellent source of iron, yuca root provides some niacin and calcium. One-half cup of cooked yuca contains about 40 calories. Eating five daily servings of fruits and vegetables lowers the chances of cancer. A recent study found that eating nine or ten daily servings of fruits and vegetables, combined with three servings of low-fat dairy products, were effective in lowering blood pressure.


You can use yucca in various ways including:

1. Eat Yucca root (Cassava), as if it were a potato. Cook the root into the oven and place the potatoes in the recipes to increase your intake of vitamin C, B and A as well as calcium, phosphorus, potassium and iron.

2. Use its powder, the pure dry root of yucca contains, by mixing with water, yogurt, smoothies or juice as you protein powder. The powder from its root contains saponins, which are effective as anti-inflammatory agents, muscle spasms, reduce pain, provide relief from arthritis.

3. Its roots' extracts in the form of tablets, joint pain, arthritis, bursitis, colitis, and treatment of osteoporosis. This supplement is also known that you extra energy, too.

4. Cassava Drinking tea, cleanse blood and purify the intestines.

5. Apply the root: Shampoo your hair soft. You can get shampoo of roots of the Yucca from many natural and healthy food or stores Buy online or make shampoo. Its roots were used by Indian tribes for years to get out, hair loss and dandruff, while preventing the hair shiny and beautiful.

6. It acts like a cleanser and food for your joints. It is excellent for those who have had limited mobility due to age. It contains steroidal saponins that promote working as a cleaner and nutrition for joints, so that there is less risk of future damage. Fill your diet with yucca for a healthier and more flexible!

Scientific Names: Yucca spp. Family: Agavaceae

Common Names: Yucca, Manioc, Cassava, Mojave (Mohave) Yucca, Spanish Bayonet, Our Lord's Candle, Joshua Tree, Datil, Adam's-Needle, Mole, Soap Weed, Whipple Plant, or Dagger Plant

How to Use Yucca Root For Health


Occupational Therapy and Mental Health Treatment - Why You Need It

With the aging of the population, more and more people are relying on occupational therapy and mental health treatment along with their long term care plans. The point of occupational therapy is to give people the support and training to be able to live independently particularly in areas relating to daily living activities such as feeding, bathing, and grooming.


Occupational therapists for example, are responsible for teaching and facilitating skills in cognition, self awareness, interpersonal and social skills, stress management, self sufficiency, daily living activities, as well as a wealth of other important skills. The therapy sessions are usually centered around very goal oriented activities that teach these skills.


The services that people seek when they go to see an occupational therapist include:

-adapting to the home and work environment after release from the hospital
-providing treatment groups and classes for experiential learning
-goal setting and rehabilitation planning to find the optimal therapy sessions

You can find many occupational therapists employed in places like adult day care centers, home health agencies, clubhouse programs, group and private homes. If you want to seek assistance, you can go to your case manager, psychiatrist, social workers, nurses, family physicians and other health professionals to help you find occupational therapy and mental health treatment that works for you.

Depending on the type of service you want, whether it is covered as outpatient therapy by your insurer or other state funding, you can use the services for as long as 6 months. Occupational therapy certainly is not for everyone and most people will opt only to use physical therapy, but with a well rounded therapy program you can make great strides in your recovery.

Occupational Therapy and Mental Health Treatment - Why You Need It


Value of Good health

Good health is the secret of happy life. Good health can be defined as the state of being vigorous and free from bodily or mental disease. It is the most precious possession of a man. If a man losses his health, he loose the charms of happy living. Ask the man who has lost his health. He will tell you the value of good health. Health is real wealth of man.

'Sound mind in sound body' is an old saying. Healthy mind can be found only in healthy bodies. Sickly men have sickly minds. Their attitude toward life is gloomy. On the other hand, if the man has good health, his outlook to life is also healthy. He can work for long hours without feeling tired. If a student has good health, his memory is good and his mind is sharp.


Good health cannot be had on demand. There are certain things which are essential for good health. Nutritious food comes first. We should take only that food which is nutritious value. Fresh air is also important for good health. People living in the open air usually enjoy good health. Exercise plays a great role in making a man healthy and fit. Balancing one's hour of sleep and rest also contribute to good health.

There are certain things which are bad for health. We should guard ourselves against them. Smoking is injurious to health. Eating too much spoils ones digestive system. If a man is irregular in his habits, he is likely to lose his health. Lack of energy also results ill-health. So, one must stay fit to lead a happy and healthy life.

Value of Good health


Health Risks In Alcohol Abuse

Drinking alcoholic beverages during social functions is a common practice among adults. Occasional drinking poses no treat to health but sometimes the occasional social drinking can progress over time into alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse has varied effects on our bodies and chronic drinking can pose major health risks.


Alcohol affects the brain and the nervous system by slowing down the drinker's reactions and making him feel tranquilized and relaxed. Alcohol dulls the brain. When someone takes alcohol, his inhibitions are lowered making him more aggressive and hostile. When taken in higher dosage, alcohol can cause mental block out, impairing the person's concentration and ability to judge situations properly. This will also create distorted coordination and emotional reactions.


The liver is one of the primary targets of chronic alcohol abuse. Alcoholic hepatitis results when the liver cells are damaged due to recent heavy drinking. On the other hand, liver cirrhosis is a result of a long-term excessive alcohol use wherein large areas of the liver are destroyed or scarred. Damage to the liver may become extremely serious and life threatening.

The blood vessels found in the skin surface usually widen as a result of alcohol intake because of the alcohol's vasodilator properties. This is the reason why the skin of heavy drinkers appears flushed. Chronic alcohol abuse results in the inability of the blood vessels to shrink back to normal giving the person a permanent reddish look.

Cardiomyopathy is a major health risk alcohol abusers are likely to suffer. Long-term alcohol use creates damage and weakens the heart's muscular tissue resulting in heart failure. Anemia and bleeding disorders can also result from chronic alcohol abuse.

Peptic ulcer disease is likely to develop in heavy drinkers. Alcohol can irritate the stomach lining and prolonged use can cause chronic stomach problems including peptic ulcers.

Alcohol has taken and affected so many lives. This is one of the major causes of traffic fatalities in the U.S. When a person's coordination and judgment are impaired by alcohol, his capacity to drive a motor vehicle is lessened as well. Often, a person under the influence of alcohol believes that he still has the capacity to drive and this sometimes results in vehicular accidents that are fatal. Other types of accidents resulting from the participants being alcohol intoxicated may be fires resulting in injuries and loss of lives, boating accidents, water sports and snowmobiling.

A man's ability to procreate is usually affected by alcohol abuse. The nerves that control erection and ejaculation are dulled by alcohol resulting in impotence. In women on the other hand, chronic alcohol use results in a loss of sexual appetite. Furthermore, alcohol intake during pregnancy can prove harmful and may result in fetal alcohol syndrome - the leading cause of mental retardation. Other ill effects of alcohol consumption during pregnancy are low birth weight, slow development and learning problems.

Therefore, alcohol abuse is not only a social deterrent but its accompanying health risks are reasons enough for an alcohol abuser to seek immediate rehabilitation and treatment before everything is lost.

Health Risks In Alcohol Abuse


What are the Best Prostate Supplements for Male Health?

There are a number of prostate supplements on the market all promising to boost male health and prevent BPH and prostate cancer. But not all of these natural remedies have science behind them, so it's important to choose wisely when it comes to men's health supplements.

health master

By the age of fifty, over half of the male population will face a condition known as benign prostate hypertrophy, an enlargement of the gland caused by the accumulation of DHT, a derivative of testosterone. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including a lack of the mineral zinc, a vitamin B6 deficiency, fatty acid depletion, toxins, bacteria or pesticides. Any of these can contribute to the conversion of testosterone to DHT, causing the gland to swell.


Supplements for prostate health can address these issues, and not only help prevent BPH but also help alleviate the pain and slow the progression of an existing prostate problem. That's why more and more men are turning to natural prostate supplements to give them a fighting chance and decrease their risk of prostate cancer.

One of the most popular and well-researched prostate suppliments is saw palmetto, an herb from a tree native to the Atlantic seaboard. The active ingredient of this herb is beta sitosterol, a powerful compound that can actually interfere with the conversion of testosterone to DHT. As such it can prevent enlargement of the gland. It has also been shown to go one step further and shrink the prostate as well as relieve urinary problems associated with the condition.

Red clover is another of the popular supplements for prostate health, and acts in a similar fashion to saw palmetto extract. It's a member of the pea family, and can inhibit DHT formation through its powerful antioxidant ability.

In addition to the prostate herbs there are vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that can be helpful to men. As we mentioned above, a lack of zinc can exacerbate the problem, so ensuring that your body gets enough of this essential nutrient is crucial. It is also an important part of many other body processes.

The B Family of vitamins can also help; in particular B6 should be present in all prostate supplements. This vitamin regulates the hormone involved in testosterone conversion to DHT. As such it is able to ensure that benign prostate hypertrophy is kept in check, and even prevented.

Another nutrient making headlines is lycopene, which can be found in many popular male formulas. This is a powerful extract from tomatoes which can reduce inflammation and prevent the onset of prostate cancer. Although you can get it from eating tomatoes, a supplement can ensure lycopene content, where the fruit might be lacking by the time it hits store shelves.

Before choosing any supplements for prostate health, make sure you speak with your doctor first and discuss your options. Although many prostate suppliments are available as stand alone products, you might reap more benefits from a comprehensive formula that contains herbal extracts, vitamins, minerals and other ingredients for male health.

Since BPH affects so many men, it's important that we learn as much as we can about this condition. Prostate supplements just might be the answer to the problem.

What are the Best Prostate Supplements for Male Health?


Home Health Care Insurance

There are various insurance policies that help pay for or totally cover the costs of home health care. Consumers are reminded to be very cautious when shopping, comparing and buying home health care insurance policies because coverage is often limited. Considering the limitations and loopholes that home health care insurance has, they may be more expensive than other insurance policies. Home health care may only be accounted for by comprehensive insurance policies with pay benefits for nursing homes, assisted living communities, and adult day care.


Types of Home Health Care Insurance


The different types of home health care insurance depend on each policy's extent of coverage when paying for home health care services. Private insurance usually only pays for part of the home health care costs which include personal and hospice care. Managed care insurance plans may offer some help with home health care costs if the home health care provider is Medicare-certified, these plans also require hefty premiums.

There are also existing home care policies which actually pays for the excess amounts that your original insurance policy does not cover. These supplemental insurance policies cover additional payments on home medical equipment as well. Long-term care insurance cover most medical and nursing services including licensed home health care costs. They may even include personal care as well as services incurred for the upkeep and maintenance of the policyholder's home. Long term care insurance is paid for in monthly installments based on the individual's age and health conditions. Many times, the benefits may only be reaped after a pre-defined waiting period, or when the insurance company decides the financial assistance is actually necessary.

Originally, long term care insurance policies were intended to pay for a lengthy stay in a nursing home, yet because of the public demand and preference for home health care, a lot of long term care insurance policies now cover in-home services which may vary greatly according to plans. Considerations regarding pre-existing health conditions and prior hospitalizations usually limit the coverage of these insurance policies.

Home Health Care Insurance
