Ka1a-azar is a tropical disease which occurs in China, Africa, Southeast Asia, Southern Europe and parts of India, especially in Assam, Madras and regions along the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers. The disease is probably caused by the bite of a small sand fly (phlebotomus) which carries a minute protozoan parasite called leishmania donovani. It can also be introduced by merely crushing the sandfly on the skin.
Leishmania are tiny protozoa. Their parasitic life cycle contains the blood sucking females i.e. sandflies and the right host. Humans are one such host. Leishmania infection can produce ulcers, skin disease & also cause systemic disease .
Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, caused by the organism Leishmania tropica. 90% of cutaneous leishmaniasis cases occur in Afghanistan, Brazil, Iran, Peru, Saudi Arabia and Syria. The signs and symptoms include ulcers and lesions on the skin. They range in appearance and degree of discomfort. The sores are treatable with antibiotics and preventable with vaccination. Often it leaves lasting scars or discolored marks
Prevention: The phlebotomus (sandfly) breeds in moist dirt, cracks, crevices, sides of drains, piles of rubbish and all kinds of refuse. Therefore, it is important to keep compounds clean and walls in good condition. Dark, moist places should be ventilated and kept dry. Spraying of all possible breeding places with Flit or DDT is recommended.
A chronic disease caused by leishmania donovani and transmitted by the bite of several sandflies of the genera Phlebotomus and Lutzomyia. It is commonly characterized by fever, chills, vomiting, anemia, hepatosplenomegaly, leukopenia, hypergammaglobulinemia, emaciation, and an earth-gray color of the skin. The disease is classified into three main types according to geographic distribution: Indian, Mediterranean (or infantile), and African.
Bedbugs are also responsible for the plague that killed millions of people in Asia and Europe. The plague or black death, as it was known during the Middle Ages, produces chills, high fever, headache, vomiting, enlargement of the lymph glands, and black hemorrhagic spots all over the body. Experts say another plague could strike the earth if the pests that bring it, bedbugs included, are not controlled.
Scabies: This is a skin disease that is caused as a result of infection with a female parasite known as Sarcopetes scabeii. Classified under zoonotic diseases, scabies is caused when the parasite buries itself into the layers of the skin. Inside the skin, this parasite lays eggs that hatch within a few days. Scabies occurs primarily in infants, children and young adults.
The yeast infection is in your system fighting for resources and competing to survive. When antibiotics enter your system, the goal is to attack and eliminate the yeast infection but in the process it also eliminates its natural competitors.
The best way to cure the infection is the natural way. One of the most common ways to naturally cure yeast infection is by using plain yogurt. Simply apply the yogurt on the affected are for instant relief. Yogurt contains good bacteria which is perfect to fight the yeast. Plain yogurt does wonders internally, so eat as much as you can to fill your body with good bacteria.
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