Liver Care and Liver Treatment

Our liver works hard for us all day every day but it is perhaps the organ we pay the least attention to, at least until it goes on strike. When your liver isn't functioning properly, you experience such symptoms as chronic fatigue and muscle aches. The liver regulates our metabolism and blood sugar, and helps us digest fats, use the nutrients from our food, eliminate toxins from our body, and heal. Yet in its struggle to keep us healthy, it is often overtaxed. And while we concentrate heavily on keeping our hearts healthy, many of us neglect our liver.


1. Chicory is one of the most useful herbs in treatment of liver problems. Almost all parts of the herb are important – flowers, seeds and roots. The juice of the chicory plant promotes the secretion of the bile. Hence it is used in different ways in treating liver problems such as bilary stasis, sluggishness of the liver, bile obstruction, jaundice and enlargement of the spleen.

2. The suggested amount of fiber is 25-30 grams of fiber per day. You need fiber to absorb bile properly otherwise the toxins in the bile can be reabsorbed back into your system. Plus, proper amounts of fiber will help keep your colon clean, help to lower cholesterol, and can reduce weight gain by giving you a feeling of fullness.

3. Proper hydration is essential to any detox program. This component cannot be skipped. Fortunately, it is the easiest to take care of. Plenty of pure water (which is not available from the tap!) with a slice of lemon will get the process started. Ideally, you would add electrolytic minerals or zeta crystals to the water.

4. As pitta will be elevated, diet should include those which help in cooling. As there is imbalance of agni diet should be an easy to digest one. Most fresh fruits are acceptable but exclude acid forming fruits. Eat vegetable raw or steamed with slight ghee ( Clarified butter) to help the agni to burn evenly.

5. You can improve you liver health if you haven't damaged it too badly. You liver can regenerate liver cells if any sign of disease can be caught before it becomes a major problem. A life style change may help your liver repair itself. Eating to much can cause your liver to work over time, if it is necessary to eat in between meals try a salad, piece of fruit, or some juice.

6. When a person consumes too much alcohol, the liver can swell with fat, enabling a condition called fatty liver. When the fat becomes inflamed during certain circumstances, it could potentially lead to either alcoholic hepatitis, a serious condition with the liver. Alcoholic hepatitis causes serious but generally reversible liver damage, or in worst case scenario, cirrhosis, which causes irreversible liver damage.

7. A yogasana aims to attain a sustained and comfortable sitting posture to facilitate meditation. They also have wide range of therapeutic use. Meditation helps to calm the mind. Yoga also helps to cultivate Sattva (superlative quality of mind) and Ojas ( ultimate positive energy in the body)which is critical for a positive mind frame and healing process.

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