We are always launching and landing, launching and landing. We get underway something with a understanding and
then act on it. We start something and then we finish it. We want something and then we go get it. The
middle moment, the interval in in the middle of the desire and the activity or the activity and its fulfillment, can
often eludes us. If you want a drink of water and you go get it, the middle moment is not as dramatic as it
is for the child tossing himself into the deep end of the pool, but it is as loaded with potential. There is a
gleeful, wiggling, flapping moment underground within all activities. Invisible Cosmetics I'm not suggesting we go flailing around, tossing ourselves over to the water cooler to find the middle
moment in a drink of water. What I am saying is that it doesn't matter where you are, who you're with or
what you're doing. There is always a middle moment going on and it is always rich with potential. That
middle moment offers you a flight of freedom. If you allow it, it suspends you in the air and gives you a
little opening to let your spirit glow. It's very brief so you can't afford to spend time mental about it. All
you have time to do is feel it and let yourself beam your light in anything way it comes forth. This is a subtle inner activity that you can expert with practice. You can still act with adult-style decorum
on the exterior while allowing a childlike freedom and brilliance during your inner middle moments. As
you institution this, you may be able to feel some space opening up in you. The energetic field around you
may begin to take on a ability similar to that of the air just beyond the diving board and just above the
water. By paying concentration to and playing within this middle moment, you derive a pleasing glow. Friends may ask if your hair is separate or what you have changed to look so good. Step 1 - seeing It In order to let light into your middle moments, you must have a feeling for when they are happening.
Really, they are constant and depending on how you define it, any moment can be called a middle
moment. Once you can dance in the perpetual middle moment you are in a continuous flight of joy. For
right now, lets start by seeing one middle moment at a time.
Notice the time in in the middle of actions when there is nothing much for you to do. The time it takes to walk to
the bathroom to brush your teeth can be one. Once you've dialed the phone and it's ringing, until the
other someone answers, that's another. You threw the baseball but the other someone has not caught it yet. That's another one. Step 2 - Jumping Once you get a sense of when these middle moments are happening, you can start to interact with them.
The next step, once you have climbed up the ladder and looked out at the water, is to jump. You climbed
the ladder when you decided to get a drink of water or you stood up to go brush your teeth or you dialed
the phone or threw the baseball. You got yourself to the edge of the diving board and now you can just
stay there or you can jump. Jumping means letting go. It means releasing your toes from the diving board.
It means releasing your hold on the need that created the desire that set you into motion. It means trusting
that the process is in motion now and if even for a split second, there is nothing for you to do but be a silly
happy child. Step 3 - Flying This is the part we typically miss and this is the sweetest part. This is the part where the child is wiggling
and flapping, suspended in mid air. How do you do that while walking to the bathroom? How can you feel
that freedom while waiting for your mum to pick up the phone? All of these four steps are linked to
each other and in the same way that the spring of the diving board sets the child into flight, your release of
whatever came before your decision to act springs you into inner flight. There may have been some sense
of need or lack or compulsion motivating your action. Once you have acted you can let go of all that.
Release it completely. How your spirit will wiggle or flap will be unique to your middle moment. Step 4 - Landing Each middle moment is brief. After you launch, you fly and then you land. Landing means you made it to
the bathroom, mom picked up the phone, Billy caught the ball, you got to the water cooler. To land
gracefully, fully embrace the next activity with an eye out for the next middle moment on the horizon. Bringing awareness to your middle moments is fun. There are no rules. You can't do this wrong. If a little
smile breaks straight through at an unexpected moment, your spirit is probably wiggling and flapping.
Jumping Into Good: The Middle occasion
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