3 Good Reasons Why You Need health insurance

Too many times as an agent I would sit with prospective clients who would tell me all about their reasons for wanting condition guarnatee but surprisingly didn't have any. In most cases it wasn't that they couldn't afford it.

In fact a majority of these folks had titanic cash flow and tons of assets. They were torn in the middle of the fear of losing it all due to unforeseen healing emergency or having to commit to spending money on something they might not ever need. My intention in this article is to offer sufficient information to make the decision easier.


The basis for all guarnatee is assign the risk, or possible loss, to someone or something else. In this case the guarnatee business takes on the risk, after much due diligence in the form of underwriting, as long as the course owner pays the agreed upon fees. This is typically referred to as a unilateral agreement. As long as the premiums are paid the coverage is in force and in the untimely event of a claim the guarnatee business must honor the contract but should the course owner stop paying the coverage is rendered null and void. The business cannot "come after" the course holder for non-payment.

3 Good Reasons Why You Need health insurance

3 basic reasons citizen own condition insurance

1. If you do not have condition guarnatee coverage, you have to pay for condition care out of your own finances at the time of service. This very idea is usually sufficient to convince most citizen to buy healing coverage, but some citizen still prefer to roll the dice and hope for the best. Statistics have shown you can expect to sense at least one major injury or illness in your life which requires hospitalization.

I'll give you an example from my own personal experience. My wife was unfortunate sufficient to contract appendicitis several years back. Keep in mind this is treated as a normal course and usually not life threatening. She is a very salutary person. Hardly a sniffle or complaint since I've been married to her. In my wife's case the situation became serious pretty quick. We discovered her appendix had partially ruptured and gangrene had set in. Serious and frightening stuff to no doubt. The point of this is to show that things happen when you least expect it.

The end consequent was a hospital bill that reached almost ,000 in less than 5 days. Think about that for a moment. Imagine something far more serious like a heart attack, cancer, stroke or worse. These could require weeks of hospitalization and salvage time. Chemotherapy alone can cost from 0-,000 per dose depending on the drugs used and cancer medicine requires manifold treatments. A stroke can often require weeks or months of recovery at a high cost. You should get the idea now that getting seriously ill or injured is going to be costly.

2. You buy condition guarnatee for the same intuit you buy other kinds of insurance: to protect yourself financially. With condition guarnatee you protect yourself and your family in case you need healing care that could be very expensive. Go back and read the previous paragraphs if you have any doubts or call your local hospital and ask the Billing and Accounts group what the median costs are for the examples I gave previously.

3. You cannot predict what your healing bills will be. Nobody can...it's that simple. I refer back the example of my wife and her appendicitis. This course varies depending on where you live and the hospital used but the median cost is in the middle of ,000 - ,000. Plainly stated if you become ill, your bills could be very high. If you have condition insurance, many of your costs are covered by a third-party payer, not by you. A third-party payer can be an guarnatee business or in some cases it can be your employer.

There you have it. Unless you have deep pockets and are able to discharge condition care costs that could run into the hundreds of thousands of dollars think seeing into getting some kind coverage. If the idea of spending money on something you feel is wasted unless you use it then think beginning your own business out of the house and have it pay your guarnatee premiums. These can be legally tax-deductible if you set everything up correctly. A good financial planner or accountant should be able to help you with this.

I trust the information presented here will help you understand the reasons why condition guarnatee is important to your bodily and fiscal health. Go online and discover information on some of the plans available. Do your research, ask good questions and make a smart decision.

3 Good Reasons Why You Need health insurance

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