Anyone who has spent some time researching serious skin care techniques will have learned about the importance of collagen and elastin in our skin. There are various ways skin care companies attempt to supplement the collagen in our skin, but the best ones ask the question "how to naturally produce collagen in the skin" rather than just "how do we add collagen to our skin care products".
That's because stimulating the skin to naturally produce collagen itself is the best way to replace lost collagen.
As we age our skin loses collagen, and elastin, the two most important skin proteins. These together are largely responsible for our skin health, and our skin youthfullness, suppleness and complexion. And collagen and elastin help maintain our skin elasticity, which is extremely important to preventing the formation of wrinkles, sagging, crows feet and fine lines that so bedevil us as we age and as our skin ages.
So it's not rocket science to come to the conclusion that if our skin loses collagen and elastin as we age, and if collagen and elastin are responsible for such things as skin elasticity and youthfullness and skin health, that we need to replace the lost collagen and elastin to improve our skin elasticity and youthfullness.
But how to do it? The big brand skin care companies do it by adding collagen and elastin to the bottles of skin care products. So when you head down to the local store you see collagen and elastin listed on the labels of those bottles of wrinkle creams, moisturizers and night creams.
That's got to replace the lost collagen and elastin you may be thinking. But unfortunately, no. You see collagen and elastin molecules are quite large, and don't actually penetrate the skin. So they stay on your face until you wipe them off at night. And on the top of your skin they really don't do very much. Well nothing actually.
Why would those big brand name skin care and anti aging products put collagen and elastin in those bottles of anti aging products if this doesn't do much? Because people buy these products if they see collagen and elastin listed on the label. So they sell well, which is the ultimate aim.
So if adding collagen and elastin to the product doesn't work, the best skin care companies, one in particular, ask themselves the right question. How to naturally produce collagen in the skin so that the skin improves it's store of collagen. If you can get the skin to naturally produce collagen itself then the lost collagen can be replaced.
And getting the skin to replace those lost proteins is quite possible. There is one range of natural skincare products that contains ingredients that really do stimulate the skin to naturally produce collagen (and elastin) itself. And the results of the studies into the effectiveness of this approach are impressive indeed. Results are visible within the month.
Putting these 2 essential skin proteins into the products doesn't work. But one company, by asking itself "how to naturally produce collagen in the skin" by getting the skin to do it itself, has answered the question and this has resulted in the production of the worlds best skin care products.
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