Hmm, what really is the best thing for aging skin you ask. And my answer is one which may surprise you. There is no one "best thing for aging skin". What works to help improve the health, and looks, of aging skin is a complete skincare routine.
By a complete skincare routine I don't mean 8 or 10 bottles of skincare products either, though good skin care products are a part of a good skin care routine. But there's more to a total approach to skin care than just bottles of skin care products.
What really is the best thing for aging skin? Here's the complete routine:
1. Great diet. Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, keep the junk food to a minimum and don't evereat. Your diet is a very important part of any top quality skincare routine. You diet affects your overall health, and your overall healthy dramatically affects your skin health. Your skin is just another organ in your body, and if the rest of your body is in poor health the chances are that your skin will be too, because health involves your whole body.
Keep up the fruit and vegetables and you keep adding all sorts of great vitamins and minerals to your system as well as anti oxidants. These things are extremely important to helping your skin fight the aging process, and aiding skin regeneration.
There's very few vitamins, minerals and anti oxidants in pizzas and burgers.
2. Don't get sunburned. Sunburn is one of the worst things you can do for your skin, it damages it and causes all sorts of skin problems, even including skin cancer. Keep out of the sun during the hottest part of the day, or wear a hat and long sleeved shirt, or at worst use a good sunscreen.
3. Don't smoke. Smoking is a death sentence for your skin, and maybe for you. Smoking is guaranteed to make your skin unhealthy, and look unhealthy.
4. Make regular exercise a big part of your day. Exercise also increases general health, which helps improve skin health. Exercise helps improve such bodily functions as blood flow, and good blood flow is important for your skin health.
5. Use high quality skincare products. Most modern skincare products are of inferior quality, but keep selling because it's hard to see them doing anything so people just assume they are. You should be able to see your skincare products working over time.
And most big brand skincare products also contain potentially harmful ingredients too, believe it or not, and these can actually harm your skin. But there are superior skin care and anti aging products available, they just aren't available from the big brand name companies. They're too busy making billions to care about the quality of their products.
Ideally, start steps 1 to 5 when you're young and do them for life. That's a skincare routine guaranteed to work for you right into old age if you follow it from very young.
But if you haven't started yet don't be put off, starting now is always better than not starting at all, and it will still be much better than doing nothing.
So, what really is the best thing for aging skin? There it is. The 5 best things for aging skin. Stick to these 5 things and your skin will thank you for it by looking great.
There, the question "what really is the best thing for aging skin" answered.
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