Here's how to lose 2 inches from all areas of your body. Lose inches from waist, butt, thighs, and hips. If you're motivated to lose weight, then I urge you to read this BREAKTHROUGH information I'm about to share with you.
1. Jump on a mini-trampoline
This is a total body exercise that helps you to lose inches from waist, butt, thighs, and hips. To lose 2 inches total from all over your body in less than 2 weeks, you'll need to jump on this for 20 minutes a day.
Now wait! Hold on. You're thinking you're too busy to find 20 minutes a day. I'm willing to bet you that you're wrong. Here's a secret I use. I use this thing during tv commercials.
You watch tv, right? Don't lie! If you do or you don't, it doesn't matter. Just use the principle of the matter. You jump on it for 2 minutes at a time during "down" or "wasted" time such as tv commercials, after you use the bathroom, before cooking, during cooking, after cooking, etc.
You have lots of free time... even if it's only a few minutes here and there. So use those 2 minutes.
2. For fast weight and fat loss, do hindu squats
This is an exotic name for fast, bodyweight squats. I recommend these to anyone who is willing to "go all out" for just 5 minutes a day. You don't like working out, ok fine, then just give me 5 minutes a day doing these.
It's a simple exercise, but it's not easy.
Even without weights, using just your body and squatting up and down as fast as you can for 5 minutes straight is unbelievable. The way you feel doing this is something you just need to experience to truly understand hindu squats.
Some guidelines... swipe the fingers of both hands on the ground with each squat, have a goal of at least 100 squats in 5 minutes, and it's ok that your heels come up off the ground (this helps you go fast with them).
You'll lose inches from waist, butt, thighs, and hips using just these 2 exercises. Added up, you'll lose 2 inches from all over your body in less than 2 weeks.
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