Health Insurance: How to Apply

If you're wondering how to apply for health insurance, be aware that application is the second step of the process -- after you've researched different policies and compared prices and benefits. Whether you apply online or off will depend on your comfort level with the computer, and also whether you're applying via a group plan.


Before you sit down to fill out an application, you should gather information you will likely need when filling out an application. The names and addresses of doctors for yourself and your family members, the dates of the most recent visits, and information about your most recent insurance policy,


Through Your Employer

If you're enrolling in a health insurance plan through your employer, you probably won't need a medical examination, but you may have to wait for the company's next enrollment period before you can apply. However, if you're a new hire, you likely can apply immediately. The application process for enrolling in a group plan is quite simple, because most plans will enroll everybody, regardless of pre-existing conditions and current state of health.

Just fill out an enrollment form, which includes personal information like: name, address, social security number, designation of the primary insured and all dependents (including the names, ages, dates of birth and social security numbers for all dependents), employment information including date of hire, and the type of health insurance coverage you select. You'll probably have to provide information about your prior health insurance coverage, including the insurance company name and policy number.

The completed application goes back to the benefits coordinator, who will process your form, and you're finished.

On Your Own

If you're not applying for group coverage, the steps are similar, except you'll be handling all the paper work yourself. Some insurance companies will send an insurance agent to discuss the application process with you. In these cases, the agent will often work with you to gather the necessary documentation, coordinate an in-home medical examination, and collect your pre-payment check.

The whole process is so simple that some people decide to apply for health insurance online. To do so, just visit the health insurance company's web site where you'll find an online application form. You'll have to provide the same type of personal and employment information as above, and you'll just enter it onto an online application form. When you're finished, click the submit button and the system takes over.

Applying for health insurance online really is painless, reliable and fast. However, if you are not comfortable providing that amount of personal information over the internet, it's probably a good idea to apply for health insurance offline.

Either way, don't wait until you need it. Because then it might be too late.

Health Insurance: How to Apply


Health Insurance; COBRA; OBRA; HIPAA; Medicare; Definitions, Relationships

Health Insurance; COBRA; OBRA; HIPAA; Medicare. If asked, could you state that you knew that all 5 of these topics had the same thing in common: medical insurance coverage for you and, perhaps, your family? Would you know the qualifications for each? Well, in this article, we will discuss them. For a timeline that depicts, graphically, the time relationship between them, please see the timeline in


HEALTH INSURANCE Coverage from Work


If we are lucky, we, and/or our spouse, work for a company that provides, as a benefit, health insurance coverage for us and our family. If so, we are very lucky. Even if that is true, there are some key things that you might want to look at to see if you have ENOUGH coverage.

1) From your Human Resources Department (or wherever else you would go to get information about your health insurance) get what is called a "Summary Plan Description" (SPD). This document should be kept where you can always find it, as it contains all the information you will need about what your insurance covers and what it doesn't.

2) Look up "Coverage" and "non-coverage" in your SPD.

These will tell you what your plan covers and doesn't cover. You need to see if, perhaps, you or one of the covered members of your family has a condition or circumstance that might not be covered, where you need additional coverage. For example, let's say that your family has a history of cancer; perhaps your plan restricts the number of hospitalization days for care; or, restricts the days per condition. In this case, (like my children) you might want to get additional "cancer insurance" (I think that AFLAC might provide this type of coverage).

It would be a good idea to contact a Health Insurance benefit Broker and ask him/her to read your SPD and see if you have any gaps in coverage. They then can help you supplement coverage BEFORE YOU NEED IT!


You might be one of the growing members of our society that, through one circumstance or another, does NOT have health insurance coverage for your family. In this case, I strongly encourage you to contact a Health Insurance Broker and get immediate coverage of what is called "catestrophic" (not sure if I spelled this correctly) coverage. In this type of coverage, you will generally have large deductibles, but will have coverage if, say, one of you has to go into the hospital.


Whenever you call or email a Health Insurance Broker, it is very important to prepare ahead of time. WHAT, specifically are you looking for; how much can you afford to pay every month; what circumstances do you want to make sure that your family is covered for. In this way, you can make sure to focus on your critical needs.


COBRA is an acronym ( how can I spell acronym correctly, yet not be sure that I spelled catestrophic correctly?) that stands for: Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. Basically, it is a federal law that allows you to pay for your Company-paid health insurance, as an active member, if you no longer work for that company for, generally 18 additional months.

1) COBRA is "triggered" (that is, you, or a covered member of your family, become eligible for COBRA) by events such as the following: resignation from the company; termination (FOR ANY REASON) from the company; divorce of a spouse; a covered chile's birthday makes them ineligible for coverage. These are the main "triggering" events for COBRA.

2) Now, when eligible for COBRA, you will be asked to pay for 100% to 105% of the company's employee/employee and family coverage amount. You should get a letter from your company explaining what that amount will be. BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO TAKE COBRA, there are some important things for you to consider.

What will be your cost, and what will be the coverage for that cost?
Sometimes the cost is too much for the coverage. In these cases, you might want to select HIPAA coverage, instead (see HIPAA below).

Or, you might just want to get catestrophic coverage as was mentioned earlier, and wait for full coverage under your next job.

Part of this decision should be whether or not you or a member of your family has what is called a "pre-exisitng coverage" condition.

Here again, before automatically taking COBRA, it would be wise to contact a Benefits Insurance Broker and give him/her all of your options, and get their input. I have worked extensively with a Benefits Insurance Broker, and he is absolutely fantastic!


What, you ask, is OBRA? I've never heard of it, you say, and no one I know has heard of it either! Well, that's because, 99% of Human Resource or Benefit folks that I know have never heard of it! OBRA is a federal law that was passed that extends COBRA for an additional 11 months FOR DISABILITY PURPOSES ONLY!! Why, you ask, is this important? Thanks for asking, let's see if I can explain.

If you are as nieve (did I spell this wrong too? sorry!) as I was when I first started looking to bridge my health insurance from working to Medicare, I assumed that when I got through all of the hoops to qualify for SSDI (Social Security Disabililty Insurance) I'd IMMEDIATELY be eligible for Medicare, RIGHT??? WRONG!!!!

When you FINALLY qualify for SSDI, you have to wait for 5 months before you get your first check. AND, the rules state that, you are eligible for Medicare 2 years (24 months) FROM THE DATE OF YOUR FIRST SSDI PAYMENT. Well, if you add 24 + 5 you get, 29 months between qualifying for SSDI, and Medicare coverage.

OK, I said earlier that COBRA is for 18 months of coverage. Well guess what 18 months of COBRA + 11 months of OBRA equal - 29 months!

BUT, there are two catches to OBRA; first of all, you have a small window of 30 - 60 days to apply ( this window opens the date of your SSDI approval); and, it can cost up to 150% of your plan coverage amount. BUT, if you have a "previously existing condition" this might be the best way for you to proceed.

Again, it is important to contact a Health Insurance Broker to help you with the risk/cost ratio of all of these situations.

It is also improtant to know all of these deadlines as you plan to ensure that you and your family have important health insurance coverage.


HIPAA is a federal law that is called, briefly, the "portability" law for health insurance. What that means is that when you leave a group (read company-paid plan), the carrier that provided that plan, must offer to you, another plan, different from COBRA, when you leave the group coverage. Generally this will be what is called a "bare bones" plan. Again, the best thing for you to do is to call/email a Health Insurance/Benefits Broker with all of your information: SPD, COBRA info, HIPAA info, needs, cost limits, and let him/her help you find the optimum plan coverage for you.


OK, now, finally, we've reached Medicare! BUT (you really didn't think it would be that easy, did you?) if you have qualified for Medicare because of disability, there are RESTRICTIONS (of COURSE there are!).

First of all, if you are qualifying for Medicare because of disability, you are probably under the age of 65 - normal retirement age.

Medicare coverage does NOT cover prescription drugs, which, those of us with disabilities probably need, and which cost lots.

But, Congress prescribed that states (all but 11) offer what is called "Medicare supplement" plans, some of which do offer prescription coverages.
BUT, these plans ARE NOT REQUIRED TO, and do not, offer these medicare supplement plans that offer prescription coverages to folks who qualify under age 65! So, if you are qualifying because of disability, your medical insurance plan doesn't cover one of your primary cost expenditures!

Here again is where you need to contact a health insurance/benefit broker. Again, he/she can work with you, and your specific circumstances, to get you the coverage you need.

Hope that this information was helpful to you. If you have any questions, please feel to ask them by commenting on this blog, and I'll be happy to get you an answer.

Health Insurance; COBRA; OBRA; HIPAA; Medicare; Definitions, Relationships


Components - Health

The three basic tools for completing a physical examination are medical history, hands-on examination, and diagnostic/laboratory tests.


A medical history is the most important part of the physical examination, especially during the first visit with your physician. It includes a history of habits, lifestyle, family history, and symptoms. Many physicians use health-risk appraisals, detailed questionnaires that provide information about health habits.


This is one area of the physical examination for which a patient can prepare. By following the guidelines for communicating with your physician presented earlier in this chapter, you can help your physician obtain an accurate health profile. This is important because a diagnosis can usually be made with only a thorough history and hands-on examination.

The hands-on examination is the second part of the physical examination. It consists of an examination by touching, looking, and listening.

Physicians can feel or palpate for enlarged glands, growths, and tumors with procedures, such as the breast examination, pelvic examination, rectal examination, and hernia examination. Thumping the back and chest lets the physician know whether any fluid has built up in or around the lungs. Tapping a knee for reflexes may reveal nervous system damage. A stethoscope is the physician's basic listening device and is used to listen to the heart, lungs, abdomen, and glands located near the surface of the skin. Possible problems that can be detected with the stethoscope range from a heart murmur to such conditions as poor circulation, lung infection, intestinal blockage, and an overactive thyroid gland.

Physicians have access to a number of instruments to visually inspect for problems. An ophthalmoscope is used to view the brain by looking into the eye. The first sign of some brain diseases is an unhealthy looking optic nerve. Leakage in the blood vessels of the eye may be a sign of diabetes or hypertension. An otoscope is used to inspect the ear, particularly the tympanic membrane. The proctoscope and sigmoidoscope are used to examine the rectum and colon. The laryngoscope and bronchoscope provide a look at the larynx and bronchial tubes.

The last part of the physical examination includes diagnostic laboratory tests, which may vary from a simple urinalysis to invasive dye tests. The effectiveness of these tests receives mixed reviews. Tests conducted for specific symptoms may be invaluable in pinpointing disabling conditions. They may be just as valuable for what they do not reveal as they are for what they do reveal. This can be reassuring to the patient and physician.

On the negative side, many physicians rely too heavily on laboratory tests. Patients often demand or acquiesce to more tests than necessary, sometimes more than is good for them. Ten years ago, one fourth of all medical tests contributed little to health. For example, when researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, studied 2000 patients hospitalized for surgery, they found that 60% of the blood tests routinely ordered were unnecessary. Only 1 in about 450 revealed abnormalities, and they were ignored because they were either not noticed or dismissed as not significant. The researchers concluded that if a thorough history turns up no hint of a medical problem, routine testing is a waste.

Many times tests are recommended more for the purpose of protecting the doctor against medical malpractice suits, rather than for their diagnostic value. This practice, which is called defensive medicine, paints a sobering picture of the difficulty in making medical decisions for doctors and patients alike. A doctor may know with 99% certainty a particular diagnosis but order a test or procedure any way as protection against liability should he or she be sued later. Malpractice suits are a reality; they have increased 300% in the past 30 years. Almost two thirds of physicians say that the threat of liability influences them to order extra tests. 28 Of course, patients always have the right to decline a prescribed test. It should be a two-way decision between patient and doctor that is based on its potential for an effective medical intervention.

Components - Health


Should Everyone Have Health Care?

Some historians claim disease has wiped out more people than all wars combined. Yet, in spite of the known historical record, Americans continue to ignore the inevitable consequences of contagious disease; consequences including significant preventable illness even for those with health coverage, large productivity losses and national leading to global plague.

health slimming coffee

Some plead we should care about the less fortunate, while others pretend private care is preferable, in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Today, U.S. citizens pay much more for coverage than citizens of any other nation, yet we are ranked 37th in health care quality and even lower in availability. Some former Soviet block and Southeast Asian nations offer better coverage; even Cuba has a lower infant mortality rate.


Over 45 million U.S. residents have zero health care; at least 80 million more have highly inadequate coverage. More and more citizens with expensive plans are being refused coverage for expensive problems. Every week, more citizens lose employer-paid care and retirement benefits, including long-term coverage for less healthy retirement years.

Depending on provider, 10-30% of every dollar spent on private coverage goes to overhead not related to care, while less than 5% for government-sponsored Medicare does, even though Medicare helps the oldest and sickest among us. Very plainly, private health care as we currently have, is not the solution.

Politicians on both sides of the political charade continue to pretend they care about America's security, while continuing to ignore our immediate health care reality. Whether or not we care about our neighbor is only part of a larger equation, because disease knows no boundaries. Children of the poor can, have and will, infect children of the wealthy. Medical facts clearly demonstrate that private coverage is no guarantee against contagious diseases.

In reality, less than 1% of U.S citizens can afford to pay for their own catastrophic needs. All forms of private health insurance are "shared responsibility" programs, dependent on the majority of those covered to remain healthy, while majority pay-outs go to the sickest minority.

Yet, right-wing media pretends coverage is not a "shared responsibility", that we should all take care of our own selves. People who claim this have never faced 0,000 per year cancer treatments on a working class income. And they clearly don't understand their own immediate financial jeopardy if they were to lose coverage. Or, what can and will happen to their own children, if their neighbor's children remain uncovered.

Scientists claim our planet is overdue for a major disease epidemic, while history clearly dictates that all of our politics, education, science and weapons won't protect us against the onslaught of disease. And the media is clearly failing American citizens by not instructing us accordingly.

Is it fair to say that citizens who do not push for immediate affordable and adequate health coverage for all persons residing permanently or temporarily within our borders, are decidedly unpatriotic? Is it fair to say they don't even care about their own children? You decide.

Should Everyone Have Health Care?


A Review of The Doctors 5-Minute Health Fixes: The Prescription for a Lifetime of Great Health

Many people know Dr. Travis Stork from The Bachelor: Paris, but his regular gig is hosting 'The Doctors' television program.


'The Doctors' was launched in September 2008, and won an Emmy award in 2010. The daytime show features discussion of wide-ranging health topics by four real doctors -- Lisa Masterson, Andrew Ordon, Jim Sears, and Travis Stork.


'5 Minute Health Fixes' was published by Rodale in 2010. According to Rodale, the launching of the book is timely based on a report by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claiming that nine out of 10 adults have difficulty following routine medical advice because they could not understand it.

The premise of the book is that a person's health can be greatly improved by making small lifestyle changes that take less than five minutes to do. Many people find time to be their stumbling block in regards to their health. The list of things you need to do regarding diet, exercise, and doctor's visits can seem overwhelming.

Rather than get caught up in the overwhelm, why not pick out a few things you can do in 5 minutes that will actually make a difference? Start small and work your way towards the bigger things. Trying to change your entire lifestyle at one time is a recipe for disaster. Most people aren't up for that sort of change.

Of course, there are many health books out there, but I like this one because of the variety of health problems addressed in the book. It seems to have something for everyone at every stage of life.

Why I Liked 5 Minute Health Fixes

I liked the book for several reasons --

First of all, it has an index and a table of contents. Yes, these are simple things, but it's amazing how many 'reference' books don't have them. The advice is from experts. All the 'the doctors' are actually practicing MDs. There's little to no pseudoscience. The show didn't win an Emmy for nothing. Bite sized bits of information. Who has time or inclination to wade through reams of content when you're having a health problem? The advice is simple enough to be implemented quickly. No overwhelm here.

You may or may not agree with everything in the book, but we all have our biases. Bottom line, if you enjoy 'The Doctors' on television, you'll find their book equally satisfying. It's definitely worth adding as a resource to your personal health library.

A Review of The Doctors 5-Minute Health Fixes: The Prescription for a Lifetime of Great Health


Health, Dental and Vision Insurance - How To Find An Affordable Solution

Are you in need of health insurance coverage? Are you in need of health dental vision insurance for yourself alone or do you need a plan for your entire family? The reason I'm asking this is because there are affordable insurance plans available to you that you may not be aware of. Most of the time you'll just need to do an in depth search. You may also want to consider cutting your coverage back in order to make your policy more affordable. What this means is to reduce the amount of coverage on individual types of protection down to state minimum. You could reduce your ambulance coverage from ,000 down to ,000.


Another thing that you should consider is buying a discount dental plan instead of a traditional for your health dental vision insurance. Discount dental plans are not health insurance plans. They offer generous discounts on routine dental care for visiting dentists within their network. These dentists are no different than any other professional that you may have seen in the past. These dentists have agreed to accept less for their work in order to be paid in full for their services at the time of their appointment. It really is a winning scenario for both the dentist and the patient.


There are discount plan options that may also include big discounts on vision, pharmacy, chiropractic services and more. You can use your discount card at major pharmacies and other major professionals.

Discount health plans are similar to discount dental where you visit a select doctor and receive a discount for paying cash in full. The main drawback with this type of plan for some people is that you must have decent credit because most companies will run a credit check on you. Discount dental, vision, etc does NOT require a credit check.

If you're in need of health dental vision insurance protection you should start off by getting a very affordable discount dental plan. This will take care of many of your immediate needs and save you a lot of money over time. After doing this then you can find an affordable health plan.

Health, Dental and Vision Insurance - How To Find An Affordable Solution


Health Benefits of Vitamin B Complex

There are eight B vitamins in vitamin B complex as well as several related substances. The eight vitamins are thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pyridoxine (B6), cobalamine (B12), folic acid, pantothenic acid and biotin. The other related substances include choline, inositol and para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA).

health master

Although each individual vitamin or related substance performs a different function in the body, they all work together to maintain good health and vitality. A well balanced diet should provide us with all the B vitamins we require, but because they are water soluble and therefore not retained by the body, we need a daily dietary source.


The majority of multivitamin and mineral supplements contain B-complex vitamins as well as other essential vitamins and minerals. Since multivitamin/mineral supplements are more complete than B-complex vitamins by themselves, multivitamin-mineral supplements are usually recommended to prevent deficiencies over individual vitamin supplements.

The Vitamin B Complex is essential for correct RNA and DNA synthesis and cell reproduction. As our Skin, Hair and Nails are constantly growing and renewing themselves we need the following B vitamins to ensure the good health of these structures - Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B9, Vitamin B12, Biotin and Choline. Deficiencies of any of these B Vitamins can lead to dry, grey skin, dermatitis, wrinkles, acne, rashes, falling hair and weak, splitting nails.

B1, known as thiamine, serves as a catalyst in carbohydrate metabolism and helps synthesize nerve-regulating substances. Deficiency can cause heart swelling, leg cramps, and muscular weakness. Rich food sources high in thiamine include liver, heart, and kidney meats, eggs, leafy green vegetables, nuts, legumes, berries, wheat germs, and enriched cereals. The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is 1.5 mg. Some believe thiamine helps protect against alcoholism and that it is good for depression, stress, and anxiety. It is also said to improve mental ability and to help indigestion.

Most B-complex vitamins work together in synergy to provide a number of health benefits for the body. In general, they have been shown to enhance the nervous system and immune function, bolster metabolism, promote cell growth and division-including red blood cells which prevent anemia, and maintain healthy skin and muscle tone. They also work together to help combat stress, fatigue, depression, and cardiovascular disease.

The B-12 vitamin is of note because it is not available from plant products, making B-12 deficiency a concern for vegans. Manufacturers of plant-based foods will sometimes report B-12 content, leading to confusion about what sources yield B-12. The confusion arises because the standard US Pharmacopeia (USP) method for measuring the B-12 content does not measure the B-12 directly. Instead, it measures a bacterial response to the food.

Chemical variants of the B-12 vitamin found in plant sources are active for bacteria, but cannot be used by the human body. This same phenomenon can cause significant over-reporting of B-12 content in other types of foods as well.

The age of an individual will determine how much vitamin B complex they will take. There are several good benefits you can receive by taking vitamin B complex. Nervousness and pressure can be lessened if you take vitamin B complex. If you suffer from tiredness this can be reduced by taking vitamin B complex. In addition, a regular intake of vitamin B complex can help individuals recover sooner from sickness.

Health Benefits of Vitamin B Complex


Will I Be Covered by My Spouse's Health Insurance After Final Judgment of Divorce?

Rhode Island Has enacted the Rhode Island Health Insurance Continuation act. This act allows a person to remain on their ex-husband or ex-wives health Insurance after Final Judgment of Divorce.


Unfortunately, this act has been watered down by recent case law out of the Federal Court District of Rhode Island. The case of Duclos v. General Dynamics Corp., 12 E.B.C. (BNA) 2648 (D.R.I. 1990) stands for the proposition that The Rhode Island health Insurance Continuation act is Preempted by ERISA. ERISA is a Federal Statute. Under Common Law, if a federal statute and state statute relate to similar topics, Federal Law may preempt state law. The Federal Preemption Doctrine is "a doctrine in law that allows a federal law to take precedence over or to displace a state law in certain matters of national importance (as interstate commerce)"


Duclos v. General Dynamics Corp., 12 E.B.C. (BNA) 2648 (D.R.I. 1990) ruled that the "Rhode Island statute requiring certain divorced spouses to be granted continuation health coverage without additional premiums was preempted by ERISA..." Quoted from Charles Shulman, Esq. "EBEC (Employee Benefits / Executive Compensation) Law Update"

Despite the Duclos ruling, many Rhode Island Employers allow an ex spouse to remain on health insurance coverage after Final Judgment of Divorce. Many employers are prohibiting ex spouses from coverage after final Judgment of Divorce relying on the Duclos case. My Understanding is that Blue Cross Blueshield of Rhode Island allows an ex spouse to remain on health insurance after Final Judgment of Divorce.

During the pendency of the divorce, the parties should determine the employers policy and procedures related to continuation of coverage after Final Judgment of Divorce. If possible, they should seek the company policy in writing from the Companies benefits administrator. The Obligations of Rhode Island based companies to comply with the Rhode Island Health Insurance Continuation Act is beyond the scope of this Article.

If a spouse will be remaining on his or her ex spouse's insurance then the following language should and must be put on the record at the Rhode Island Nominal Divorce Hearing and be memorialized into the Decision Pending Entry of Final Judgment as well as the Final Judgment of Divorce:

"Plaintiff shall provide Defendant with Health Insurance and Dental Insurance pursuant to the Rhode Island Health Insurance Continuation Act."

This language should be put on the record and memorialized into the Decision Pending and Final Judgment of Divorce even if the employer will be removing the spouse after Final Judgment of Divorce!

The above described language incorporated into the Final Judgment of Divorce is usually interpreted by Judges of The Rhode Island Family Court as meaning the following:

1) If there is an additional expense over and above the cost of a single plan for the ex spouse to remain covered by the health insurance plan then the ex spouse must pay that additional amount or he / she may be removed from the Health Insurance policy.

2) If the person with Health Insurance loses their job, or goes to another employer then the ex spouse will probably lose health Insurance coverage.

3) If either party (husband or wife) remarries than the ex spouse may lose Health Insurance coverage.

It is usually a good idea to specifically put on the record at the nominal divorce hearing, that the ex spouse is required to pay any additional premium over and above the cost of a Single Plan or they will be removed from the insurance. These issues can get confusing if the cost for a family plan includes the children and there is no additional expense for the spouse. Please consult with a Rhode Island Divorce Lawyer about these issues.

The Rhode Island Health Insurance Continuation Act R.I.G.L § 27-20.4-1 states:

"In the event of a final judgment of divorce, whether absolute or otherwise, where one party to the divorce was at the time of the entry of the judgment for divorce a member of a health plan providing family coverage * * * the person who was the spouse of the party prior to the entry of judgment for divorce may remain eligible for continuing benefits under the plan and health maintenance organization without additional premium or examination if the order is included in the judgment when entered. The eligibility shall continue as long as the original member is a participant in the plan or health maintenance organization and until either one of the following shall take place: (1) the remarriage of either party to the divorce, or (2) until a time as provided by the judgment for divorce. If the person [eligible for continuing health care benefits] * * *becomes eligible to participate in a comparable plan or health maintenance organization through his or her own employment, the continuation of the original plan coverage shall cease." Section
27-20.4-1(a). (Emphasis added.)

The Rhode Island Supreme Court interpreted the Rhode Island Health Insurance continuation act in L'Heureux v. L'Heureux: "The clear and unambiguous language of § 27-20.4-1 requires that health insurance benefits, when provided for in a final decree of divorce, continue at no cost to the former spouse of the party participating in the plan as long as the plan participant is still a member of the plan and until (1) either party remarries, or (2) a time provided by the judgment of divorce. Furthermore, the continuation of the original plan coverage shall cease when the former spouse becomes eligible to participate in a comparable health plan through his or her own employment."

What are some of the health insurance options available to ex spouses after Final Judgment of Divorce in Rhode Island?

COBRA Heath Insurance may be a worthwhile option for Ex Spouses after Final judgment of Divorce."Under COBRA, employers must offer the option of continued health insurance coverage at group rates to qualified employees and their families who are faced with loss of coverage due to certain events." CRS Report for Congress Health Insurance Continuation Coverage march 2005 "... When the qualifying event, however, is a covered employee's divorce or legal separation, COBRA coverage lasts for thirty-six months."

"COBRA provides that employers who provide their employees with medical coverage must provide continuation coverage to employees and their families who would otherwise lose coverage under the employer's plan as a result of a qualifying event. Qualifying events include: (a) a covered employee's divorce or legal separation....Once a qualifying event occurs, the covered employee, his or her spouse, or dependents seeking COBRA coverage must elect such coverage within 60 days of the occurrence of the qualifying event and must pay the required premiums." Marsha Zolla, Healthcare and family Law

Will I Be Covered by My Spouse's Health Insurance After Final Judgment of Divorce?


Health Benefits of Vitamin E

The health benefits of vitamin E range include skin enhancement, wound healing, immune function, and protection against various diseases. Also called alpha-tocopherol, vitamin E is believed to reduce cholesterol and plaque buildup, reducing the risk of stroke and coronary artery disease (CAD).


Vitamin E is an essential nutrient, which means the body needs it but cannot produce it on its own. However, vitamin E deficiency is rare because it is fat-soluble - it is stored in the fat tissues for up to six months before getting depleted. Common food sources include nuts, poultry, wheat products, and various vegetable oils, particularly wheat germ oil. It is also available as a health supplement. Other health benefits of vitamin E include the following:



One of the best health benefits of vitamin E is its antioxidant capacity. Antioxidants help remove free radicals - unstable compounds that damage cell structure, increasing the risk of cancer and weakening the immune system. This also protects against eye diseases, diabetes and pancreatic disorders, and Alzheimer's Disease.

Cholesterol reduction

Vitamin E prevents cholesterol from being converted to plaque, which thickens the blood vessels and leads to stroke and heart disease. It also thins the blood and improves blood flow even with plaque buildup on the artery walls. Studies show that vitamin E from foods can reduce the risk of stroke in postmenopausal women, although further studies are needed to support this claim.

Skin care

Skin and lip protection are also well-known health benefits of vitamin E. Vitamin E helps retain moisture in the skin and prevents dryness, itchiness, and chapping. It also protects against UV radiation and speeds up wound healing. It can be applied topically and is a main ingredient in most creams, lotions, and sunscreens.

Anti-inflammatory and pain relief

Studies suggest that vitamin E can both relieve and prevent osteoarthritis. Its effects are similar to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which are traditionally used to relieve arthritic pain. It also improves joint mobility, preventing gout and buildup of waste material in the joints.

IMPORTANT: Vitamin E is considered a dietary supplement, which means it is not as strictly regulated as conventional drugs. Additives in some products (such as starch, silica, and gluten) can inhibit the health benefits of vitamin E and even be harmful to your health. Buy only products that are GMP-compliant and make sure they do not contain any artificial colors or flavorings.

Health Benefits of Vitamin E


12 Pomegranate Health Benefits

Countless studies have shown the seemingly countless benefits of fruits for a person's health. The U.S. Government recommends that people get several servings of fruits every day. Of all the fruits available in the market today, one fruit is at its height of popularity because of its legendary Greek mythology association and its exoticism-the pomegranate fruit.

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Considered as one of the earliest fruits that have been cultivated along with grapes, figs, olives, and dates somewhere between 4000 B. C. E and 3000 B. C. E., pomegranate continued to be an emblem of fertility, rebirth, and health.


Dubbed as a "miracle fruit" by some fans, pomegranate has earned its popularity because it is thought to possibly help support the body's natural defenses against Alzheimer's disease, various cancers, coronary and heart diseases, arthritis and many ailments an aging person experiences. Because of its so -called anti-aging possibilities, pomegranate has had several food and beverage variations from juices, ice creams, dishes, and even in water that come in bottles.

Why is pomegranate good for you?

This handsome fruit is quite popular for its deep and purple-colored juice that is packed with lots of antioxidants that may help in maintaining a smooth and wrinkle free skin. But, aside from the possibility of helping people to maintain youthful and glowing skin by keeping the blood platelets together, there are so many health benefits of pomegranate to people of all ages. While no health claims are made regarding pomegranate whatsoever, here are some of the remedies and uses that some people hope pomegranate can help with.

1. It may help reduce the risk of having a heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes. Studies show that pomegranate juice daily may help support the normal blood flow to the heart. Because of its antioxidant properties, pomegranate keeps bad cholesterol from forming, and thus, may help keep the arteries clear of clots.

2. It may help support the body's normal defense in the prevention of certain cancers. Since pomegranates has very high levels of antioxidant called "flavenoids" that is thought to be effective in counteracting various cancer-causing radicals, more and more experts recommend this fruit as a possible part of a healthy diet. Because of flavenoids, many people are consuming pomegranate because it is believed to help support their good health.

3. It may help reduce the risks for illnesses such as atherosclerosis, osteoarthritis, and diabetes. Because of the properties of pomegranate, conditions that are known to cause the thickening and hardening of arterial walls and damage in cartilage and joints are hoped to be helped by this fruit. Studies are needed of course to get test results. No claims are made as to what the pomegranate may or may not help.

4. It is a rich source of various vitamins. Pomegranate is a good, natural source of vitamins A, C and E as well as folic acid.

5. It is rumored to help reduce the possibility of having premature babies. Pomegranate juice and extract is thought by some people to help expectant mothers avoid having low birth weight babies.

6. Some users claim it is beneficial for relieving minor illnesses such as core throat.

7. Other users believe it might reduce the possibility of developing Alzheimer's disease among older people.

8. It is prized in some countries for the belief that it might help in achieving and maintaining a clear skin with youthful glow, and it is believed to help soothe skin inflammation.

9. The antioxidants are thought to help support the immune system.

10. It may help support healthy blood flow because of its iron properties. Pomegranate supports the blood by supplying it with iron, thus may help prevent anemia symptoms that include exhaustion, dizziness, weakness, and hear loss.

11. Aside from having lots of anti-oxidants, pomegranate also might have some anti-viral properties.

12. Pomegranate juice and extract is thought by some women to help in overcoming the feeling of general malaise during menopause.

While no medical claims can be made for pomegranate, the juice is growing in popularity every day as more and more people try it and benefit from it.

12 Pomegranate Health Benefits


Okra And Its Health Benefits

The worldwide used versatile vegetable called okra is characterized by green color, elongated and tapering ridged pods infused with double row of seeds and slimy texture when cut open. This integral member of the cotton family is indigenous to regions around the Nile in North Africa and the Middle East for it was discovered dating as far as 3500 years ago in Ethiopia. Early Egyptians are known to love its taste. Okra later transcended to North America enroute slave trade and then to Europe, Asia and South and Central America.


Besides being low in calories it is aplenty with vitamins of the category A, Thiamin, B6, C, folic acid, riboflavin, calcium, zinc and dietary fiber. Eating okra is much recommended for pregnant woman besides other for it is rich in folic acid which is essential in the neural tube formation of the fetus during 4-12 weeks of gestation period in the mother's womb.


Research revelations by the eminent nutritionists' state

o The mucilage and fiber found in okra helps adjust blood sugar by regulating its absorption in the small intestine.

o The fiber of okra has many superior qualities in maintaining the health of the gastro-intestinal tract.

o It helps reabsorb water and traps excess cholesterol, metabolic toxins and surplus bile in its mucilage and slips it out through the stool. Due to greater percentage of water in the bulk it thereby prevents constipation, gas and bloating in the abdomen.

o It is an ideal vegetable for weight loss and is storehouse of health benefits provided it is cooked over low flame to retain its properties. This also to ensure that the invaluable mucilage contained in it is not lost to high heat.

o Okra facilitates the propagation of good bacteria referred to as probiotics. These are similar to the ones proliferate by the yoghurt in the small intestine and helps biosynthesis of Vitamin B complex.

o For adding bounce your hair. Boil horizontally sliced okra till the brew become maximally slimy. Cool it and add a few droops of lemon and use this as the last rinse and see your hair spring back to youthfulness and jump.

o Okra is an excellent laxative treats irritable bowels, heals ulcers and sooths the gastrointestinal track.

o Protein and oil contained in the seeds of okra serves as the source of first-rate vegetable protein. It is enriched with amino acids on the likes of tryptophan, cystine and other sulfur amino acids.

Okra And Its Health Benefits


Health Tips



Your health should be the number one priority in your life. Health is the general condition of a person in all aspects. It is also a level of functional and/or metabolic efficiency of an organism, often implicitly human. The physical environment is perhaps the most important factor that should be considered when classifying the health status of an individual. This includes factors such as clean water and air, safe houses, communities and roads all contribute to good health.



For heart health, the benefits of jogging is no need to be doubted. However, to reduce fat and weight, it is not effective. Why is hard to loose weight by jogging?

Here is an explanation of why a body remain fat despite jogging every day.

Constant movement during jogging including aerobic activity can strengthen the heart and respiratory muscles. The impact on health is that breathing becomes more healthy and cardiac pressure will go down so that the risk of hypertension decreases.

However, to burn fat, jogging is less effective. The body will only process the fat into energy if the calories needs obtained from sugar and carbohydrates are not sufficient.

One way to reduce fat is through exercise. Jogging is an exercise which requires lots of energy, so many people do it with the expectation of energy reserves in the form of fat will burned more efficiently. In fact, some people fail to lose weight despite jogging every day.

"The body is like the best machine that constantly adapts to anything. The more often you jog, the body will be more prepared for the next jog."

Jogging which is done frequently will only cause energy metabolism becomes more efficient. Adaptation which is performed by the body reduce the energy needed so not a lot of calories are burned.

Besides not being effective in loosing weight, jogging is also not good for your joints. When you jog, the joints will have to take 2.5 times the weight so vulnerable to injury.

The joints which are most prone to acute pain attack due to jogging, are the ankles and the knees. If often experience repeated pressure, these joints wear out faster.

Jogging is always considered as an exercise that can increase your metabolism and effective for weight loss.

5 Signs of a Healthy Heart:

If your heart stops beating for just a few minutes, followed by the stop of blood circulation, than your valuable life will end. That is why the prevention of heart disease and blood vessels are very important and highly stressed. Generally there are five vital signs of a healthy heart, which are:

1. Cholesterol

Pretend that the LDL or bad cholesterol is a fire and HDL or good cholesterol as a fireman. "A good firefighter is usually able to prevent long term damage."

The higher the HDL cholesterol level, the lower the risk of ateroklerosis occurrence. For healthy heart, the bad cholesterol's target is no more than 130 mg / dl and HDL should be higher than 40 mg / dl. HDL cholesterol levels tend to increase with exercise, lose weight, and eating lots of fiber

2. Blood pressure

If left unchecked in recent years, high blood pressure can damage arteries throughout the body so that the blood vessel wall will be thickened and rigid and clogged so blood flow to vital organs are blocked. Optimal blood pressure are lower than 120/80 mmHg.

Variation of various foods with different combination's of the right nutrients will be beneficial to blood pressure. Various studies have also shown an effective stress reduction also lowers blood pressure. Spanish researchers say, the consumption of aspirin every day also decreased the systolic pressure of 6.8 mmHg and 4.6 mmHg diastolic pressure.

3. Heartbeat

Life is not in your hands, but in your heart. Knowing the number of heartbeats per minute (resting heart rate) is one way to predict the age. In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine stated, a man who has a resting heart rate above 75 beats per minute (bpm) have three times greater risk of heart attack. Normal pulse is 65 bpm.

"When you do a cardio workout with low intensity and add a high intensity every two weeks, the heart rate per minute will be reduced." Do exercise at least 30 minutes with 60-80 percent of the maximum amount of heart rate.

4. Fasting blood sugar

Fasting blood sugar levels is a sign of whether there is any risk of diabetes. The higher your blood sugar levels, the greater the risk of developing diabetes. "People with diabetes have a greater risk of heart disease, kidney, and eye disorders."

To reduce levels of fasting blood sugar, we need to increase the body's ability to use blood sugar, or in other words to increase insulin sensitivity. The best way to achieve this is to reduce weight.

5. C-reactive protein

C-reactive proteins or CRP is a plasma protein produced by the liver in response to infection, injury, and inflammatory processes. High levels of CRP indicate inflammation in the body. Because heart disease is due to inflammation in the arterial wall, CRP can be used as a common marker of heart disease risk.

Elevated levels of CRP are usually accompanied by increased cholesterol. A high CRP level, more than 1 milligram per liter, also associated with an increased risk of prostate cancer. CRP measurement is done by taking blood from the elbow or the back of your palms.

To Improve Sleep:

1. Sprinkle just-washed sheets and pillowcases with lavender water. The scent has been shown in studies to promote relaxation, which can lead to better sleep.

2. Buy a new pillow. Katz says that studies show that pillows with an indent in the center can enhance sleep quality and reduce neck pain. Also, try a "cool" pillow -- one containing either all-natural fibers or a combination of sodium sulfate and ceramic fibers that help keep your head cool.

3. Eat a handful of walnuts before bed. You'll be giving yourself a boost of fiber and essential fatty acids along with the amino acid tryptophan -- a natural sleep-inducer.

To Improve Stress Control:

1. Give your partner a hug every day before work. Studies show this simple act can help you remain calm when chaos ensues during your day, Katz says.

2. Have a good cry. It can boost your immune system, reduce levels of stress hormones, eliminate depression, and help you think more clearly.

3. Twice a day, breathe deeply for three to five minutes

To Improve Nutrition:

1. Buy whole foods -- whether canned, frozen, or fresh from the farm -- and use them in place of processed foods whenever possible.

2. Reject foods and drinks made with corn syrup, a calorie-dense, nutritionally empty sweetener that many believe is worse for the body than sugar, says Katz.

3. Start each dinner with a mixed green salad. Not only will it help reduce your appetite for more caloric foods, but it also will automatically add veggies to your meal.

To Improve Physical Fitness:

1. Do a squat every time you pick something up. Instead of bending over in the usual way, which stresses the lower back, bend your knees and squat. This forces you to use your leg muscles and will build strength.

2. Every time you stop at a traffic light (or the bus does), tighten your thighs and butt muscles and release as many times as you can. (Don't worry, no one will see it!) This will firm leg and buttock muscles, improve blood flow -- and keep you mildly amused!

3. Whenever you're standing on a line, lift one foot a half-inch off the ground. The extra stress on your opposite foot, ankle, calf and thigh, plus your buttocks, will help firm and tone muscles. Switch feet every few minutes.

Health Tips


Health Benefits of Maple Syrup

When you have a sweet tooth yet are trying to look after your health, body, and mind remember to use maple syrup as an alternative sweetener. It contains much fewer calories and has a much higher concentration of key minerals for health than its natural counterpart, honey. Maple syrup has many great benefits but mainly because it is an excellent source of manganese and zinc.


Maple syrup is a thick, viscous liquid which is made from the sap of the sugar of the black or red maple tree. The production of maple syrup simply begins with piercing the tree to allow the sap to run out freely - this sap has a very low sugar content when first tapped and is flavour free. However with the boiling process it evaporates to produce the sweet syrup we all know and love.


The manganese content in maple syrup is essential to the production of enzymes in your body which are all important in the bodies natural antioxidant defense and also for the production of energy. One tiny ounce of maple syrup can supply us with up to 22% of our daily amount of this mineral.

Another of the main health benefits of maple syrup is that it acts as a good sweetener if you are trying to look after your heart. The zinc content of maple syrup acts as an antioxidant to help prevent damage caused by cholesterol and other fats. The zinc and manganese content in maple syrup also helps build a healthy immune system as your immune cells depend on zinc to perform to perfection. This means that maple syrup can enable your body to heal better than it would without the extra minerals.

There are some other health benefits of maple syrup making it a very healthy food to add to your diet. It is a one hundred percent natural organic food - there is no way in which it can be altered unless adding ingredients to it. Although it is three times as sweet as cane sugar it has fewer calories!! The sugar content of the maple syrup is completely pure, it is not reduced, and it goes through no production or processing and therefore is cleaner and better for your body. As you can see, there are many health benefits of maple syrup making extremely sweet on your health as well as your diet!

Health Benefits of Maple Syrup


Lemon Juice Health Benefits

Lemonade is known to have been used as a refreshing drink since the time of the Moguls. Modem investigations have tended to support this use, the essential oil being very good for cooling the body. This use can be extended to the employment of lemon juice with water and sugar as the best drink to take when you have a fever

healthrider treadmill

When the temperature of the body is high, whether from the effects of the sun or from the results of illness, it is necessary to take regular drinks in order to prevent dehydration. Sugar is not normally a desirable part of a healthy diet, nevertheless it has its part to play with lemon, and although there is no doubt that the addition of honey if available is very much to be preferred.


The high vitamin C content of the lemon has been used for hundreds of years to ward off scurvy among sailors and travelers. There is little sodium, so the fruit is good as a flavoring for those on a low salt diet.

Because in some countries the producers of lemons extend their keeping properties and improve appearance by coating them with the chemical diphenyl and waxing the fruits, it is a wise precaution to wash the lemon with a little unscented soap and then rinse thoroughly before converting the whole fruit to juice.

The pulp left from the juicing is excellent for the skin and can also soothe the bites and stings of insects. If you add equal parts of toilet water and of glycerin to the residue the mixture can be made to keep the hands smooth.

Doctors Morel and Rochaix demonstrated that the extract of lemon when vaporized will neutralize the bacteria of meningococcus, typhoid, pneumococcus and staphylococcus in from 15 to 180 minutes.

A gastronomically inclined Frenchman, Charles Richet, is said by Dr Valnet to have discovered that the lemon juice added to raw oysters before eating them destroys 92% of the bacteria present within 15 minutes. A good reason to wait before you eat!

This information is relevant to the idea that lemon juice is a most important therapy to be used in all cases of infection of the respiratory tract and as a general tonic.

Provided that the juice is diluted with water, there is no danger in taking any reasonable quantity of lemon juice. Be sure to choose firm, clear colored lemons that have not begun to wither. The first signs of ageing can be spotted where the stem was once attached to the fruit.

Lemon Juice Health Benefits

Kevin Pederson has been managing a number of natural home remedies websites which have information on benefits of juices and raw vegetables are also mentioned which includes lime juice too.
