The Health Benefits of Vitamin D3

D3 is a fat soluble vitamin and excess amounts can be stored in the body's soft tissue. There are two forms of the D vitamin: ergo calciferol and it is found in fortified milk, herring, mackerel, tuna, sardines, eggs, cereals and baked goods. The second form is cholecalciferol that is produced by the body when it is in the sun. The best source of vitamin D3 is the sunlight.
The typical supplemental dose is no more than 600 IU (international units) unless approved by a physician.

Benefits Of Vitamin D3


Vitamin D promotes healthy teeth and bones in kids. It also promotes calcium absorption, bone mass, building, the prevention of bone loss, and it protects against muscle weakness. It lowers the risk of colon, breast, and prostate cancers. Immune system functioning is improved, auto immune diseases can be prevented, and rheumatoid arthritis is improved with vitamin D.

Vitamin D3 prevents/treats rickets, post menopausal osteoporosis. It also prevents falls and fractures in those at risk for osteoporosis, corticosteroid induced osteoporosis, and osteomalacia. The vitamin also treats hypoglycemia, bone disorders, psoriasis, squamous cell cancers, vitiligo, and scleroderma. Multiple Sclerosis can be treated and the vitamin prevents the development of Type 1 diabetes.

Vitamin D3 Deficiencies

Deficiencies of D3 in children are indicated by the presence of rickets, a disease that deforms the bones and teeth. In adults, deficiencies are indicated by the presence of osteomalacia, osteoporosis, type 1 diabetes, muscle and bone pain, as well as certain cancers. An overdose can lead to birth defects, coma, and even death.

The Health Benefits of Vitamin D3


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