10 Tips on Losing That Excess Weight

Everybody wants to be thin but they are eating their way to excess weight. Statistics aren't lying that 46% of men and 32% of women are tipping the scales beyond their ideal body weight. Another segment of 76% of men and 28% of women are obese and the numbers are steadily rising.

Getting that Excess Weight Off

You have heard it all but procrastinated about dieting and exercising because the thought of sweating off those burgers and burning off that fat in the gym scares the socks off of you. But the more you delay, the more you store fat from all the food you're enjoying on the double.

If you are going to do the weight loss regime on your own, these tips can help lose that excess weight that is hugging your hips, thighs, arms and belly.

1. Prepare yourself mentally and physically
One way is to list down all the food you usually have in a day and cross out the goodies that cost you a lot in calories and stick to your resolution

2. Cut back on your daily intake of greasy food and sugared drinks
If you eat three cheeseburgers daily, eat two and skip the sugared drink. Three single cheeseburgers yield 1077 calories and doing away with one cheeseburger, eliminates 718 calories. Without cola or 7-Up, you've done away with 80 calories more. That's a big drop from a daily 1157 calories from your favourite burger and drink.

3. Keep count of the calories
This will keep you going knowing you're saying goodbye to all those unneeded calories.

4. Eat more greens
That hollow feeling in the pit of your stomach will go away if you stuff yourself with greens. Veggies have lesser calories per gram and a gram of broccoli yields 32 grams and gives you more nutrients than those burgers.

5. Eat more fruits
But watch out, fruits have calories and are loaded with calories. Choose low calorie fruits - kiwi, cranberries, tangerine, peaches, and strawberries but don't gorge often on apples, mango, banana, raisins and dates. Compared to three burgers, 10 apples a day gives you only 1000 calories.

6. Exercise
Hate exercise? Brisk-walk the fat off, a pedometer will tell you how many steps you've taken for the day. A daily 10,000 accumulated steps can burn 300 to 500 calories! This will encourage you to take those steps, so walk instead of burning up your car's petrol. Losing two pounds weekly should be your goal if you're on the obese side.

7. Join a gym
If you want company for exercise; this makes exercise a whole lot more fun.

8. Get professional help
This is very important if your health is a vital concern, health professionals can program a diet and an exercise tailor-fitted for you.

9. Take weight reduction pills
Only if this is prescribed by a physician who will monitor your progress.

10. Don't quit until you lose those pounds
Quitting early in the game makes you a loser.

Getting rid of excess fat is not easy. Before you can follow all those tips, you have to commit yourself to a healthy change.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing these useful tips. Nowadays the inactive way of our life and the convenient lifestyle make people accumulate fat all over the body. Once you start practicing some of these tips, you will be onto a path to lose your excess weight.

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