How to Improve Your Sleep After Menopause

A recent study showed insomnia to be the number-one most severe complaint of women going through menopause. An imbalance of hormones is to blame, and with that in mind hormone replacement therapy is used as a treatment to help postmenopausal patients get a good night's sleep again. According to the study, published in the April issue of the Journal of Clinical Nursing, 95 percent of menopausal women surveyed suffered from sleep loss — and they rated that sleep deprivation as their most severe menopause symptom, even more severe than the night sweats, irritability, memory loss or hot flashes that often accompany menopause. Menopause is a natural phase in every woman's life. The sleep problems that come with menopause — the end of a woman's fertility and menstrual periods — are the result of a change in the balance of the hormones estrogen, progesterone and testosterone as the ovaries shut down.Hormone imbalance is also behind the female libido loss, vaginal dryness and other sex problems many of the middle-aged menopause sufferers, treated in many medical offices. In some women, these symptoms can lead to depression. And the ill effects of menopause can continue long after the in-your-face symptoms abate: menopause can accelerate osteoporosis — resulting in a greater risk of large-bone fractures — and hasten the onset of coronary artery disease. But there's good news: hormone levels are relatively easy to replenish. So to help post menopausal patients some much-deserved menopause relief, a regimen of menopause treatment based upon hormone replacement therapy was developed. The hormones used with the same molecular structure as those found naturally within in the human body, leading to a more balanced hormone profile.The benefits of hormone replacement therapy are:
Improved energy and memory
Decreased fat and cholesterol
Improved skin texture
Control over your health
Improved sex life
The natural way for menopause sufferers to beat their insomnia,and the best way to minimize to minimize all the short- and long-term health implications of menopause, is hormone replacement therapy using hormones with the same molecular structure as our own.For more information about hormone replacement therapy go to

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