How To Lose Belly Flab and Get A Flat Stomach

I'm about to show you some unconventional ways on how to lose belly flab and get a flat stomach. These aren't your typical gym type exercises like doing situps, crunches, or running on a treadmill. Not only do you get better results from what I'm about to tell you, but it's also more fun.

First, do belly rubs.

These help to give you local spot reduction to your belly region. What you do is rub your hands together for 15 seconds to create kinetic heat. Then once that's done, while lying down, rub your belly in small circles around the belly button for about 30-45 seconds with 1 of your hands.

What happens is the heat in your hands will penetrate your skin and into the fat deposits causing some of them to loosen up and be swept away. Ideally, do this for 3-4 minutes a day. Twice a day for 2 minutes each time would be perfect.

Second, take extra virgin coconut oil.

This isn't a true weight loss supplement, but it works like one. I've had clients take 1 tablespoon, twice a day, for 11 days and lose 6-8 pounds without doing anything else. For best results, the time at which you take it is critically important. If taken at the wrong time, it's a complete waste of money.

Third, do isometric ab squeezes.

You may have belly flab, but there is a flat stomach underneath it. Tighten up those ab muscles on and off for 10-20 seconds. So you tighten them for say 20 seconds, then relax them for 20 seconds, etc. Ideally, do this exercise about 4 minutes a day... 2 minutes in the morning and 2 minutes at night would be best.

This is about the easiest way on how to lose belly flab and get a flat stomach.

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